Rebirth ch24
I opened up the pokedex and keyed into the registry page of the pokedex and showed it to her. "i, genii hereby pass judgment on you, suzy to be unfit and unsound to be a pokemon trainer. do you have anything to say before sentence is carried out?"
The Sacrifice
The creature picked up the bag and opened it, "oooh a pokedex! i've always wanted one of these!" it started opened the older kanto pokedex with a snort. "it's the old model. i didn't think they made them like this again."
Just a dream
Just hand me your pokedex for a couple minutes so we can begin registeration process." he stretched out his hand across the counter and nurse joy plugged his pokedex to the terminal. "so, unova? not many trainers hailing from your region pass by here.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Ice Path and Blackthorn City
I quickly explained to the kind and helpful pokemon that i was not lost and just navigating through the ice path and completing the pokedex as i went.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Olivine Gym and Safari Zone
"azurill has been registered to your pokedex. azurill the polka dot pokemon a normal and fairy type. its tail is filled with nutrients necessary for growth. it plays by bouncing on its tail."
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Mossdeep City and Shoal Cave
Without trouble torkoal found another snorunt and it was also captured a quick check of the pokedex confirmed that the second snorunt captured was a male.
Jim's Chronicles 7 : Vermilion City
Braxton punched a few numbers into his pokedex before jim's pokedex gave a soft chime receiving the payment for his work with sparky.
Pokemon: Friendship Checker Reads "Zero!"
With no apparent solution in sight, will her pokedex be able to shed some light on the problem? are you really even asking? --- the story title comes from me listening to "together 2007" while writing this.
Pokemon Dark Generation Episode 2- Tränenreicher Anfang Teil 2/2
Dieses gerät diente sowohl als pokedex als auch als pokétch, pokenav, mp3-player und radio. außerdem war in der software des pokedex sein trainerausweis gespeichert und daten konnten mit hilfe einer eingebauten w-lan verbindung übertragen werden.
Halcyon University 4 - It Begins
She grabbed the pokedex and threw it on ryan's bed, and then she hopped up to mine and patted it twice. it was a "come sit down" motion. my pokedex began to vibrate again but neither monica nor my body noticed.
Chapter 3: New Ally and Merciless Wolf
**aurora's pov** after wolf had received chimchar from professor rowan's lab he checked what my current moves were on the pokedex. it turns out i know force palm, quick attack, counter, and reversal.
Is This What Romance Means?
Elan takes his pokedex back, but with the snow building up on it, is unable to use it so he puts it away. "there's nothing here."