(Oc)Cult Friends 8

This was a whole abandonment problem for five years, not slipping off on what should have been a simple solo adventure for maybe a month or two, and then having lykus show up out of nowhere in the underdark. that had been...

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(Oc)Cult Friends 5

Leeka was very good with his mouth, and regularly serviced all the kobolds, despite being the one that led the various expeditions into the underdark beneath the ruins.

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The Psi-Drake Wars

Both surface dwellers and the underdark hordes used the drakes now. in the years of conflict, samantha had grown into a powerful creature, her body's natural growth accelerated by the magic used to keep her in onerana. "th-thirsty." murmured ilia.

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Fifty-eigth Entry

Than one - skaeth could contact more than one possible group: 1) a mixed bag of furcenaries - i'll select a random assortment of horny beastfolk; suggestions welcome. 2) minotaurs - skaeth has gotten in contact with some of his cousins from the underdark

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The Power of Pain 5

If it was up to her, the damn doberman would have been left to rot as a spirit in the underdark, but she knew that someone had already laid claim to his spirit.

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B Team: The Tinsmit Brothers (Commission)

His brother snapped, "save for those which stretch into the underdark, belonging to these fellows behind me. our family isn't equipped for a ground war against the drow, barnabas. what would you have me do?" he froze.

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Gifting Seed to Their God

Finally, it breached the top of the pit, pulling itself up and free of the underdark. it shook from head to toe, writhing as if it were little more than a ball of snakes. slowly, it came together, taking the shape of something else.

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To Darkness Descended

By all accounts, it was the result of one of the many attempts that had been made, over the years, to create a tree capable of flourishing in the lightless depths of the underdark.

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The Woodcutter

After all, the underdark had neither sun nor atmosphere and stayed the same temperature year round. so of course she would welcome a respite from the heat and light of the summer sun.

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Elven Espionage

That the great goddess lolth, upon her parting ways with her former lover, gifted her most devout followers with a spark of divine creation, forever altering them from the common looking forest dwellers, to the gorgeous and uniquely colored underdark inhabitants

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Thirtieth Entry

He was said to be gifted with a special, savage genius, and to have studied warfare under both the dwarves of the granite mountains, locked in their constant battles in the underdark for the survival of their race, and with the officers of the iron

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In to the Dragons Den...

"if ya ever wanta get ahold of me... talk to the bartender at the 'underdark' tavern." fin

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