Stuck in Orbit: Chapter 5
"now, let us return back to trying to figure out what your vision mean's youngling." he said getting back to the topic at hand. "i disagree with my associates here.
Part 2: Mourning and Waking
The human released the youngling and caught his breath. then he leaned forwards and listened for breath.
Sorrow and Joy (Chapter Three)
"would you let a youngling go and get his favorite berry without some protection." luk wiggled out of his grip. "okay okay i'll go." "well you better hurry the little ball of fun already left."
The Story of a Dragon Part 3/Black Dragon Cave
Fighting a youngling? no....that doesnt seem to be a good choice...of a challange...."
Tale Of The Apprentice: Chapter Seventeen.
The youngling spoke eventually. "his is a bit different, i think." she replied, looking over to where falren slept. "they mean different things, youngling. his... bears the sigil of his master's bloodline." "i... see."
Kup drabbles
Asked the old bot as if talking to a youngling. "f-frag you!!!" snarled hook.
Part 8: Our Tribe
'because we swore oaths as knights of the flame, but nowhere in our oaths did we swear to do battle with younglings,' simon explained, 'even if younglings such as yourselves know how to fight; we did not come here to spill the blood of children.'
Miyuki's First Contact
The youngling was, after all, doing everything in his power to care and provide for her, and hadn't turned her in to the local authorities or tried to cut her open whatsoever. wow.
Arcanine's Desires
The youngling looked left to right with a slight whimper, his tail stood stock still and his hackles raised in defense. the air was cold, not as in temperature but as in feeling, something wasnt right.
Chapter 4) A New Year, a New Look, and a New Threat
"soon you all will get to see the upper world, my younglings," mother said, taking us all in. "what is the upper world like?" casturi asked. "it is big and beautiful, but also dangerous," mother replied.
Chapter 2) A Father of a Different Sort
"greetings, my lovely dragonelle," it said, "i see our younglings have hatched." noticing the now nearly flesh and bone carcass, he added "and i see we have an unfortunate sacrifice as well."
You may pass into our lands, but speak with the elders first, as they may have much interest in you, youngling." john nodded to whoever spoke, but kept his sword at the ready.