Phase Three - Absolution of Knowing - The Rose Wilts

_Her ears turn against her head wilting downwards. The ball gag hinders her from uttering a sound. She breathes unevenly from fear of knowing. Dew drops form at the corner of her eyes. A new understanding slithers into her brain scattering logic aside....

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The End Won't Phase Me - Shadows At Dusk

#3 of the end won't faze me the end won't phase me - shadows at dusk           darkness would soon be upon me, and that meant two things that i had to do.

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Phase II (I: The New World) *Unfinished

#1 of phase ii: the complete series *small preview. this is still in writing and coloring is unfinished.

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Firestorm - Ch 3: Phase II - Deployment

"meanwhile, commence phase two, deploy our assets. pass it on to the rest." "yes, number two." "that is all." bloedrye leaned forward and pressed a button to close the connection.

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Project Infinity Phase I Chapter 2

**_Chapter 2 -why do I have to catch these things?_** Albedo was a bit surprised as they reached the penthouse, it was a fucking 5 star resort in comparison to his 8 by 8 quarters on the Prodigium, he then noticed, chaos was gone, he wondered just...

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Leather Ballad Chapter 6: Just a Phase

If this was just a phase, then she didn't want it to end.

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War of Spirits: Manual.

You can also use enhancement cards in this phase in real-time fashion. 8.

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Brandr Collected 2 - Training

A monitor showed me that all these phases had just completed, and the computer chirped to notify me of this._ _"excellent. begin training phase."_ --- _"phase 3 complete. calibration complete... begin training phase.

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The Upgraded Wolf: Chapter Two

She would be conducting phases three and four on the patient. the large reptile turned looking sternly to alec. "phase two is complete and the patient is resting for the time being." the executive started.

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All Aflame

"we have a few phase canons, but ... look, this used to be a mining station. all the extra resources were shunted to structural integrity, not weaponry or defenses.


Chapter 1

The species can shift whenever they would like, after phasing." ryan nods at me. "tweeners like you are rare--the date you should phase falls between two full moons.

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"phase three completed: connection with invasive software established." again, cyntia didn't pay much attention to the words on the monitor. somewhere in her mind she knew that the words applied to her, but that was all.

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