Casino Chimaera: Jack's Prologue

That flight went more smoothly, however upon landing it became quickly evident that his luggage had somehow been lost to the underworld of airport baggage claim.

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"The Best of Friends" - Story by Kaz

Xan's stomach churned as they rounded a corner and passed some concession stands, nearly to the baggage claim area.

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Daily Changes 9: Opossum

She smelled sublime, and as he tentatively bit at her neck and emptied himself inside of her he, for a brief time, almost considered the baggage surrounding the change to be worth it.

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Leo's Life - Chapter 2

As leo headed to baggage claim he pulled out his phone to call home. the phone rang and his mother picked up the phone. "i take it you made it alright?" she said gleefully.

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The Spirit of the Law

There are people who wouldn't tell some things to jackie because she has weird baggage with them, no offense, jackie -" "none taken," the roach stuck her tongue out. "- but who might say those things to someone who can't have weird baggage with them, because

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Yoga Pants

What he doesn't expect is that his friend will arrive late with some extra baggage in tow, very appealing extraneous junk in the trunk.

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Kodi Makes Her Decision

"you certainly know how to come along with some interesting baggage aleu." the deep baritone growl of the other wolf spoke making the fur on kodi's nape rise up in deep respect and some mild fear. "thank you."

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The chill

It hurt me and brought back a lot of baggage that i had long since left in my high school years. anyway, here it is. --- i walked alone, down the dark and empty street.


Reflection 1

I'm glad he knows more about my baggage now, and i think he is too. every once in a while i think i smell you in our bed instead of smelling him.

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On the Night of the Falling Stars

I wouldn't mind leaving with baggage, as long as it meant i helped unburden yours. "i'm not a very good person." you shouldn't say things like that. i remember frowning, for all the good that did, but held my tongue and let you talk.

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shadow and light

Sebastian lost it to and started to cry to i know but the baggage from that incident isn't for me to share with anyone but me. roy said it is meant to be shared with me as your husband.

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