Reed Makes The Rounds
Said dasher. reed shrugged. "sure, if you want. but it'll cost you." "what do you mean?" asked brayan. "i mean i'm not gonna let you fuck me for free," said reed. "but you let dex fuck you!" said dasher.
Family is What You Make of It
"please dasher, have a seat. i would like to go over your progress with my daughters." he sat and leaned in, giving her his full attention. "dasher, you have been a godsend. my girls have had no father, and there is a reason behind that.
Rudolph has Issues II
D was dasher, and the night was only beginning.
Twas The Night After Christmas
It seemed to take ages, the weight on his back steadily increasing as dasher sank further and further in, but finally, with a snort right in rudolph's ear and the feeling of fuzz touching his sensitive, yawning ass, dasher chuckled.
Phoenix: A Reindeer Tale
I've only been dasher for six years. \*\*\* my real name is phoenix. i'm the first female reindeer to take up the dasher role.
Chapter 4: Personalities Can Change, Sexualities Can Change, Maybe Even Species Can Change, but Genders Can't Change. RIght?
To start all the characters with the exceptions of dasher and thowan are copyrighted to me. thowan is copyrighted to thowan and dasher is copyrighted to dasher cheetah.
Stuffing The Stallion
dasher is me. # stuffing the stallion some dumb comedy was playing on the television in front of him, but duke wasn't paying much attention to it. sitting on the living room couch nuzzling his boyfriend dasher, the blue shark sighed happily.
Pillow Talk
What makes it interesting is that... well, reed told dasher that in order to be... 'even' was the word he used, maybe dasher and i should have sex together."
Christmas Cheer (A Reaper Commission, posted with permission)
dasher cried out, her voice strained as she was nearing her boiling point.
Round 2 part 2: This Fire Burns
A gust of wind destroyed singe's swords, "next i use my dasher's effect, by tributing one monster on my side. he gains a thousand attack points." his dread servant shattered, dasher (atk/3100 def/1000) "attack his slicer."
Round two part 2; This Fire Burns
A gust of wind destroyed singe's swords, "next i use my dasher's effect, by tributing one monster on my side. he gains a thousand attack points." his dread servant shattered, dasher (atk/3100 def/1000) "attack his slicer."
Parting is Never Sweet
"dasher, are you funning with me?" he made a face and shrugged. "i don't think so. why?" she pulled him in front of a mirror. "have you even ever looked at yourself before?" the fact was, he had seen himself a thousand times, but not as dasher.