Penelope Clark Reference and Information.
What is this character's favourite movie? inception. 9. does this character have a favourite article of clothing? favourite shoes? her leopard-print panties. 10. does this character have a vice? name it.
Daddy's Rules
Bottle time is your favorite time of day-- well next to bath time, tummy time, and story time. daddy sits on his throne and snaps your favorite farm animal bib around your neck.
Another Gray Muzzle mem
** i'm a hopeless romantic. **33) favorite and least favorite food?** french/middle eastern **34) do you believe in god?
Pleasant suprises: Ch 3 - Plans for the near future
When one of his favourite songs on the radio came on, he would try to keep up, rarely ever succeeding. his favourite solo came on, and he turned up the amp with his footpaw, playing along enthusiastically.
Flash Flooding
"tell them your favourite song from all our albums."
A bunch of questions answered about me. Thanks Arctic. Jerk.
What's your favourite food? hard to say. food is great 34.) favourite drink? water, and those yellow monster rehabs. 35.) what is your favorite place? home. 36.) least favorite? the bus. 37.) are you still wanting the quiz to end? nope. 38.)
Nargacuga Comes Home (Watersports)
A nargacuga comes home after a long day to enjoy one of his favourite things, alone and by himself, happy in the sanctitiy of his own home. _it was at the end of a very long day.
[SFW] Squirrely Days #005 - Yineh
We'll probably get silly things like favorite song and favorite texture. \*bombastic laughter\* vivica: favorite texture... yineh: thinking about squeezing kylola-su's tail, aren't you?
Skyler: chapter 1
I like chicken alfredo" chicken alfredo was one of skyler's favourite foods, and broccoli soup and brussel sprouts was her least favourite "because we are gonna have it later tonight, besides this stuff is healthy for you, it will help you grow big
The Date
Her master often said it didn't suit her, but she insisted it was her favourite colour and didn't care. she tossed her bra off and onto her double bed, as she did her bottoms.
Training For Some Musk
It's surprisingly the first time i'm actually tasting his cum and like his musk being imprinted on me as my favourite smell, this imprints as my favourite taste. "p-ppleeasse?" i whine when evan pulls his dick from my muzzle. "please let me cum sir."
The Daily Grind
I let myself in, take in the newspaper, never anything exciting anymore, and sit down in my favourite seat, by the side window, where there's never any glare from the sun.