On Feathered Wings

There's nothing i could ask for that's better than flying about my home~

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Breaking Away

I felt like i was flying, flying above everything. it felt so calming, soothing, relaxing... i couldn't help but close my eyes as the feeling filled my being. i felt so... peaceful.

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I Was Born To Fly

_just keep flying the plane. just keep flying the fucking plane._ they were slow enough now. he turned to the collie. "let's try flaps fifteen.

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I'd fly the river

._ **"i'd fly the river" ** by ** rob baird** --- "because," the weasel was saying, "you're a fucking pussy. that's why." astrid rolled the bottle around once, and the ridged bottom tapped out a rhythm on the wood of the pier.

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When Penguins Fly

If penguins really could fly, no one here would ever see him again. "back now, tersh." disappointment filled his voice, and he made no effort to hide it. the last bag was loaded up, and she gently placed it into the customer's cart.

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Commission: A Time to Fly

.** \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ a time to fly by jessica raisor chester raced through the halls, a goofy grin plastered on his face.

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Said the spider to the fly

"i've got you now says the spider to the fly." "sorry, but this fly isn't ready to die." kerith opened her maw wide as russ saw the mandibles dripping with poison.

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When Penguins Fly

If penguins really could fly, no one here would ever see him again. "back now, tersh." disappointment filled his voice, and he made no effort to hide it. the last bag was loaded up, and she gently placed it into the customer's cart.

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Commission: Flying High

Ruby stretched out with a yawn and blinked, looking around. It took her a few moments to remember where, and what she was. The longneck grinned and stood up, mind falling back into the male role almost naturally. He'd always been a quick learner....

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Now the Fur's Flying!

As he was sucking on his finger, chris unbuttoned his pants and unzipped the fly. darelle moaned with pleasure, his deep baritone voice reverberating through chris.

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Flying Eagle - Capture

He failed, coughing up most of it as the stallion at his head pulled him off and shot the last of his load onto flying eagle's face.

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