Fly Me To The Moon

Story by Skatelian on SoFurry

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#6 of Marshmallows and Love

Marking the first year since i began writing, the 6th chapter of "Marshmallows and Love"

Here it is, after a lot of writing I've decided to return to what started it all. This is the 6th and NOT final chapter of "Marshmallows And Love" and it features a pair of characters belonging to this couple who loves this series, so... Enjoy! And comment as well if you can, I love it.

I'm publishing today on 7/14, the day of my 1st anniversary in writing for SF. To all of you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Also, to those that didn't read the last chapter, Lani is a real character based on LeiLani's stories. She is one of the best writers I've ever run across and the one that got me to write in the first place, AND SHE'S DOING COMMISSIONS! So if you want a custom made story, tailor made to impress the world, look no further than

Also, if you're interested in having your character cameo-ed in the next chapter, write me a PM with your character description and what his place would be, and I might just get you in ^^

"Gaaaaaah!!! Zombie!!" Marsh screamed out.

"Not agaaaaaaain" was the grumbled response from the pink fur lying on the bed at his side.

"Wait, wha..." Marsh replied, like waking out of a dream. Actually, he was waking up from a dream. The zombie was nowhere to be found. "Another one?" He asked himself out loud.

"BRAAAAAAAIINNNSSS" the fur at his side made out, rising up eerily and scaring the crap out of her mate.

"GAH! Hah... Saraaaaaah, don't do that! You're gonna give me a heart attack!" He replied, his face slightly pale from the scare.

"Hmmmm about time, at least I'll be able to sleep" she replied, lying back into the pillow.

"Not funny, not funny at all, my heart is racing!" He said trying to catch his breath, lying back down.

"Mmmm, now you know how it feels... You did quite a number on me earlier" she said with a satisfied purr and a nice long stretch, like the cute kitten she was. Marsh chuckled softly, the damp spots on the sheets and the distinct smell of sex reminding him just what she meant.

"If you wanted to make a point, just wake me up with a blowjob, that would've been better" he chuckled as he laid an arm around her, spooning her naked body with his, which pulled yet another purr out of her.

"Not as fun, believe me. We do have to do something about this though... These nightmares of yours... This is the third one in a row. Promise me we will look for something tomorrow..." She said, turning to him with begging, albeit tired eyes.

"First thing in the morning my love... I promise... Huh, now I can't sleep..." He said with that certain hint on his voice that both of them knew well.

"Awww, my puppy wants some midnight action?" She asked with a smile as she gave him a soft kiss, barely brushing his lips. Her hands snaked down to his groin, where they found the unsurprising erection he had developed. "You want maybe something with my hands, a nice quickie?" She asked, giving it a pump with her hand, causing the young husky to shiver and give off a soft yes into her ears.

"Or maybe you want something more... You want to throw these covers to the side and pin me down? Stick that big meat rod of yours in me?" She asked, lifting her leg a bit so she could use her hand to rub his tip against her folds, even letting him sink in the tip into her warm sex, knowing just how much he loved it when she teased.

"Well, you can do that... Tomorrow after you've found some help. Think of it as an incentive" she said, pushing him out of her and shutting her legs together, giggling evilly.

"No... Way... You can't expect me to go to sleep like this, why...?" He began.

"Because I haven't slept well in a week because of you." She said.

"I... Have been a bit stubborn about this, I know... I should've gone for help before" he said, acknowledging his fault.

"See? That wasn't so bad... Thanks for doing that" she said with a big smile.

"So..." He said after a second of silence.

"Nope. Bathroom if you have to" she chuckled. She had seen through him, but she also knew his apology had been sincere.

"Aaaaaawwww... Fine, but I plan on tapping that tomorrow after I get help" he said with a sigh, getting up and walking towards the bathroom.

Sarah let off a soft sigh as she tried to go back to sleep again. However, she began to hear whimpers behind the door. Her heart shrank a bit, she had teased him too much...

"Gods, I hate my willpower" she mumbled to herself as she stealthily got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. She opened up the door and stood there, looking at her husky lover. He was masturbating, trying really hard but not quite able to get what he wanted, with a picture of a naked Sarah on his hand. He stopped as soon as he saw her, and began to blubber out incoherent syllables.

"Wh... Y-you, but..." He began, but she knelt up to him and put a soft finger in his mouth, shutting him right up.

"Don't talk, I'm already starting to regret this" she said as that hand quickly went down and grasped his shaft. Truth was, as weird as it sounded, she knew how to jerk him off better than he did. Her hand simply adapted better to the contours of his penis. He moaned softly but kept quiet, knowing that a protest wouldn't be in his best interests. She began to jerk him off, just like she always did when they had no time, fast and merciless. And oh, he loved it like that. The picture fell from his fingers, and he focused on the feel of that delicate and yet powerful hand. He never managed to last over a minute when she did it like this, and since he had already started this was already the final stretch.

"Nnnhh... S-Sarah, I'm gonna..." He began, but she shushed him again.

"I said no talking" she said with a whisper, but she was grateful that he had decided to tell her. In a quick motion she straddled him, pushing that big doggy-cock inside her sex with one single thrust. She kept his knot out, however, and began to squeeze it with her hand as her pussy did the same to his shaft, coaxing the cum out of him. He really did his best not to moan, but he failed miserably as a long shuddering moan escaped from his mouth, only to be silenced by her lips. She felt him empty himself into her, her womb already used to receiving that big gush of white, creamy goo all the way in. They panted together through his orgasm, and as soon as it subsided she took him out. She kept her hand against her lips, or else his cum would spill all over the place. With a paper towel she helped him clean up his own shaft, which was quick to return to its sheath. Without a word, both went to bed and simply spooned the way they were before.

"That picture always does it..." He said after a while softly, chuckling.

"No it doesn't, shut up and go to sleep you nympho" she replied with a giggle, but in her mind it was pretty clear. It wasn't the picture, she simply loved to go to sleep with the feeling of his cum inside her. That's why she had done the same thing the day before, and the one before that.

"So, about waking me up with a blowjob..." He began in a serious voice.

"Don't push it, go to sleep you ass" she said with a hearty laugh.

"A couples retreat? Are you serious?" She asked him with a big shocked face.

"Yeah, I said so myself. But apparently the college counselor thinks that the stress from studying is taking a negative toll on me, and that I should take a vacation with you." He said while he gave the egg he was cooking a quick flip.

"But you're the one that has the nightmares, why do we need to go together? Not that I don't like spending time with you, you know that..." She began, actually blushing a bit.

"I asked him the same thing, and he told me that there was no way I would un-stress myself without having you by my side. And I think he's right" Marsh said before sliding to the table and carefully depositing the egg on his lover's plate.

"Thanks. And he's right, but James... What about the classes?" She asked.

"That's the best part. They're waiving us those points for the whole week! Granted, we still have to learn those subjects, but there's no need for papers or tests. We'll just ask someone to tape the classes for us!" He said, grabbing his own breakfast and sitting down.

"So... They're technically giving away a vacation for us... Me likey!" She said in a cute tone. "By the way, this is too goddamn good..." She told him, mouth half full with the breakfast he'd given her. She could cook her own, but his was too good to pass.

"Only the best for my kitten. He gave me a list of couple's retreats but... They're all mainly for humans..." He began. This was a common problem, given that they were still a minority in the country. It did no difference what it was, since they always felt out of place, observed... Judged.

"James, we've talked about this... And how do you expect to de-stress if..." She began, but the husky stopped her.

"Which is why I found a furries only retreat for us to go" he said, to which she nodded enthusiastically.

"But...? I know you all too well, I can feel a but coming" she told him. He blushed and looked at her. "If only my but was like yours" he said, sneaking a grope only to have his hand playfully swatted away. "Texas" was all he said.

"Really? No, like... Really really? Texas?" She asked in disbelief. It was natural, furries weren't quite popular down south. Besides, both of them hated the heat.

"Really really Texas... It's far away from the cities and such so it's gonna be nice" he said.

"Well, if you say so... I'll be happy to go with you" she told him with a warm smile.

"Great... I've booked us a couple of tickets, I know you hate traveling by plane but we have no choice." He said.

"Another but? Spill it out mister" she said, seeing right through his facade.

"This is a good but. I used up some miles I had, and we're going first class!" He said.

"Ohoho... I'm already imagining their faces..." She said with a wide smile.

The rest of the meal went on as usual. Sarah complimenting Marsh's cooking skills, while the teen husky did his best to convince her to sleep with him, failing miserably most of the time. Eventually the day went by and they packed their things for the trip, and then they both went to sleep. Well, actually Sarah went to try and sleep through the gropes James was giving her, until he finally resigned and fell asleep.

"Well, that was quite interesting!" Sarah said as they picked their baggage from the carousel. These last year people had begun to resent furries, especially down south or in developing countries. The counter girl had to go to her manager and check the authenticity of their tickets since they were going on first class, and the disgusted stares that people shot at them once they walked towards the priority boarding lane made both of them shiver. However, they both shrugged it off and relaxed on their seats, thoroughly enjoying the pampering in the form of hot towels and mimosas. They eventually arrived and found themselves alone in the middle of Fort Worth airport. It took them a couple minutes to locate a petite mouse girl, who held up a sign with their names on it. Quick introductions followed and soon they found themselves on a van, traveling across the plains. Both dozed off during the journey, particularly due to their driver's love for classical music; and by the time they were awake they had already arrived.

"Wow, would you look at that..." Sarah said out of disbelief. They were at a large building resembling a horseshoe, five stories tall. A big fountain in the middle depicted a fox stretching into the morning sun, and the place was swarming with furries. Both walked in, jaws dropped at the luxurious ambiance.

"Welcome to the First Sniff Resort! Mr. And Mrs. Lindbergh?" A vixen asked from the counter.

"That would be us!" Sarah chirped happily as she walked, with Marsh carrying their bags behind him.

"Great. If you give me a minute..." She said and vanished behind a small door.

"So? What do you think?" James said.

"It's amazing! I had no idea there was a place like this in the country, much less around here" The pink feline said with a giggle.

"Neither did I. Looks new though..." He replied, and right then the vixen returned from the door.

"Sorry for that, I have your keys right here. We just wanted to confirm that your special request was ready" she replied, before walking towards them. "If you'll follow me please" she said, and headed for the elevator.

"Special request?" Sarah asked him. James just shrugged, he honestly had no idea what the vixen was doing. They were led to their room, and once they got there she opened the door for them.

"So, I'll leave you guys to get settled... If you need anything else, just call me" she said before bowing slightly and leaving. They didn't hear her, however, as they were focused on their room. It was covered, literally covered, in condoms. They walked through the three inch layer of packed condoms of assorted types, both of them flashing the most confused face in their lives.

"James, I know you're addicted to sex but... Really?" Sarah asked, more concerned than angry.

"Kitten, I swear I have no idea what this means" he said, calling her his private nickname. He walked awkwardly to the nightstand and found a box of Marshmallow topping jars, along with a letter.

"Hey, look at this" he said, before opening the letter envelope. He read, giggled and then laughed before handing it over to Sarah.

_Dear James and Sarah. _

_Since you left without letting me know where you were going I had to do some digging. I can't believe you guys actually went to Texas without me! Well, anyways, I figured I would be a burden to your couple's "retreating" , so I decided to leave you this prank as a token of appreciation. I'll bill you guys later. _

_Pd: the condoms are intact, I did not stick a needle in any of them. Honestly. _

Love and happy "retreating"


Sarah broke into laughter as she heard those words. It was obvious that Mark was pranking them as he always did. This one was by far his most elaborate attempt though.

"I... We can't let him get away with this, this means war" she said with a giggle.

"Oh, I plan on pranking him ten times harder, believe me. But I came here to un-stress, so..." He said before tossing the envelope away. "I'll do that when we get back. There is one thing though..." He added with a curious look before picking up one of the condoms at random. He went towards the bathroom, where he carefully opened up the package.

"I'm not even gonna ask" Sarah said as she followed him in. She saw him open up the package and unroll the condom, before opening the tap and filling the condom with water. On the tip, a very distinct trickle of water began to flow, which James quickly saw.

"I knew it. This means more than war..." He said on a somber tone, before both of them simply burst into laughter without saying a word. Turns out that James' human friend had indeed pierced every single condom. And after some very awkward conversations with the hotel manager, they managed to get their room cleaned up. James hid the jars, however, much to Sarah's amusement. That kid really loved his marshmallows...

"We should do something tomorrow... As much as I'd like to stay here like a sleepy and lazy sloth." He said, grabbing an activities brochure from the desk.

"Awww, and here I thought you'd like to spend the whole week with me in bed..." Sarah teased him.

"Yes I do... But I'm here to unwind, get relaxed... And of course, tap this baby right here when I can" he said with a playful slap at her rump. She squealed and moved away, feigning an offended look but with the grin of a kid with its favorite toy.

"Well, I'm not really sure... I mean, do you really enjoy bending this kitten over and fucking her silly?" She said with innocent and playful eyes, as if daring to play along.

"Of course I do, you know that!" He said with a mock hurt expression.

"Really? I call bullshit" she said with a wink as she walked to the bed and sat down, as if she wanted to go to sleep. James opened the door and hanged a do not disturb sign on it, before walking towards her.

"Guess I have to prove it to you..." He said as he got on the bed as well, slowly pushing her down with a wry smile.

"Gosh, you're so easy..." She teased at him, calling her bluff as she allows him to position his body over hers.

"You never leave me a choice" he replied before pushing his muzzle against hers for a kiss. They never grew tired of each other's bodies, they were always discovering something new or something exciting...

"Is that why you kept the marshmallow topping?" She asked once more. Vivid memories of her mate taking big doggy laps at her topping covered cunny flashed through her mind.

"Nope" he said before leaning in for a deeper kiss. "Hah... You taste better than it" he said. His paws roamed all over her body sensually, slowly, teasingly. This was no quickie between classes, he knew he had all night. And he wanted to make the best out of it. Her shirt went off, quickly, yet not hastily. He nuzzled her chest, the silk bra making for an amazing feel as she purred in delight. She loved to feel loved, wanted... Needed.

"Heh, and I'm supposed to believe you?" She asked as he began to slowly remove the garment, silky and smooth, and with a grin placed it over her eyes. She allowed him to, she rarely said no to such a playful act. Besides, she already knew how every inch of that young husky boy looked... But he always touched her in a different way.

"No... You're supposed to say 'prove it'" He moaned seductively into her ear.

"Mrrrrroooww..." She let out teasingly as she felt around and got a grasp on his butt, and pulled him hard against her own hip, leaving him in the perfect position for some grinding. "Then prove it..." She finished. She had made a sport out of teasing the young husky and she was damn good at it. He moaned in response and did just as she wanted, his instinct pulling him to grind lewdly against her, the thin rough fabric of their pants the only thing that was stopping the two acquainted organs to reunite once more.

"As my kitten desires..." He murred and moved down to nip at her neck, which she enjoyed immensely. That damn little husky knew just what buttons to press... "Lets see what you've got in store, pup" she teased right back, eyes still covered by her own bra as she felt a soft and lovingly lick on her left breast. The two weren't really much into breastplay, which was probably for the best since her small two mounds wouldn't have been really useful for that. His smooth and soft tongue traveled over her fur like a Spanish galleon rode the waves, and sure enough this puppy was going south to search for the fountain of youth. A small tingle in her belly and the decrease of pressure around her waist told her that he had moved from licking her breasts to licking her belly, and that her pants were in the process of disappearing. "N-nah... J-James..." She moaned out. It wasn't a call, or even a regular pleasure moan. She just wanted to say his name, it just felt so right on the atmosphere and not on her head...she felt the fabric of her pants slide down, almost hugging her legs in an attempt to stay in the feline's embrace... But no, they had to go. Her breathing was so heavy, she felt she was going to drown in that very instant... Who would know that the simple act of eliminating one sense would heighten the others so much?

James finished removing his mate's pants and found himself face to face with her panties. She was wearing the ones he had given her for their anniversary. The mischievous girl had planned it all along... They were pink, beautifully adjusted to her sensuous waist, hugging her privates just tight enough so that the outline of her folds showed, but not enough to look overly sexual or small. Beautiful high couture patterns adorned her garment, and they were made of the softest of Egyptian cotton. They were quite expensive, yes, but James had never worried about that when thinking of Sarah.

"Are you gonna keep staring? Do I have to get room service and seduce the bellboy?" She teased in that soft, pleased voice. She knew why he had stopped, and she loved the fact that it meant so much to him, as much as it meant for her.

"No need, no need... With how beautiful you are he'd stare even more than I do" he replied with a teasing compliment and returned to his endeavor, giving the soft fabric kisses everywhere, which made the young feline squirm and rub her legs together a bit. She couldn't stand his teasing, it was just too much for the feline, passionate lover of quickies and roughies. Still, the delightful feel of tingly pleasure slowly rising on every joint of her body felt unlike anything she had ever experienced. He could smell her arousal on the garment, and if he kissed her in just the right spot he could also taste it, which generally was accompanied by a shaky moan from the girl. She felt her last piece of garment begin to go down... And then it stopped. He placed it back where it was, much to her surprise. "W-wha...?" She said groggily. He leaned in and whispered a "trust me" into her ear, which simply calmed her down. Whenever he said that she simply submitted herself to him, allowing him to do as he saw fit... And he never let her down.

James, who in his nymphomanic investigation had found out about a study that claimed women enjoyed intercourse more of their panties stayed on, went back to what he was doing and began to rub two soft fingers over the surface of her panties, his movements long and slow, completely metered and planned. He used her moans as a sonar, slowly becoming more and more precise with his touches until he was focused on that small area directly above her sex. Just as she was beginning to really get into it he stopped, drawing a tiny mewl out of her. She heard fabric sliding and it wasn't hers, and she simply didn't resist. She carefully lifted one of the sides of her bra, hoping to catch something. She saw him looking straight at her and quickly dropped the bra back over her like a scaredy cat, knowing she had been busted. She heard him move, heard him step into the bed, felt him getting closer... She began to giggle, like a little kitten, and felt him remove the bra and toss it aside.

"Come here troublemaker" he said and pressed his lips over hers seductively, kissing her in a very romantic and lovingly way. A special warmth on her leg told her what her eyes had failed to notice. He was naked, and apparently rock hard. Even though she already knew how special she was to him she couldn't help but feel proud of the reaction her body had drawn out of him. They split up, a strand of saliva joining them together still, an intimate moment caught by the afternoon light of Texan sun, before he smiled at her. She knew what that smile meant, it was an invitation. She was being invited to take a quick trip to heaven and back with him, and she damned well knew her answer, which was sent in the form of another smile. The next second she felt a finger hooking on her panties, pulling the part over her sex to the side. She felt the rush of cold air that hit her heated lips, and the fast hand that covered them with a soothing warmth. He had everything planned, nothing was left to chance... She felt him shift his body position, she saw him as a blur moving up and over her. She felt the hand leave and be replaced with something warmer, she barely had time to moan as he slid right into her, their bodies forming up in perfect harmony, as if made for each other. Her body adapted to accommodate every ridge, every bump and every throbbing vein of his sex, which filled her right up to brush her cervix, and not millimeter more. It was so perfect, they drew out the moment as much as they could, not letting passion throw them into just another quickie of many. No, this had to be different, this had to be special. It took him a good two seconds to pull, all the way until his tip was gently resting on her opening, which was accompanied with a sharp inhale from Sarah, which lasted about the same. He pushed back in, causing her to release all that air in a soft long moan, right into his ear, just for him. He felt her embrace like a velvety glove, the soft feel of her warm flesh almost soothingly peaceful and delightfully inviting. She squeezed as he pulled, trying to keep him in, and then relaxed on his entry to allow that big rod to go in easily. They were so calm and gentle with each other that they made absolutely no sound, the only noise in the room being their gasps and sighs, rhythmically tuned. Her legs moved up and around his waist, pressing down on his butt in an effort to stop him from drawing out, her mind knowing it was necessary but her body hating the empty sensation that it left behind. This didn't stop him at all, who simply kept on going at the same rhythm, maybe increasing it a tiny bit more with time. They found themselves panting hard, looking straight into each other's eyes as if trying to say something. None said a single word.

This silence lasted less than a couple seconds before James gave a particularly deep thrust and Sarah opened her mouth in a silent moan, only to find it covered by another warm and understanding pair of lips. He made sure to knot her soon, so his bulbous appendage wouldn't force the entry that much. This meant he wouldn't last as long, but he knew she loved it more than his usual, and that was more than enough motivation for him. Her inner walls quivered at the apparition of such a familiar bulge, the feline loving every second of the gentle knotting she was being given. He didn't try and pull it back, he just gave short quick humps until it was fully engorged, tying them together. Sarah would often joke that she would love him more if he had barbs, but the truth was that nothing could compare to the intimacy of a knot. It was as if nature was telling them "snuggle, you've earned it".

His tip grazing her cervix softly as his heartbeat echoed on his knot and to her G-spot proved too much for her to contain herself. She didn't cry out his name, nor announced her orgasm in one of those lewd porno lines. They had stopped doing that a while ago, they knew each other's bodies so well they could simply tell. The only visual indicator of the feline's climax was the fact that she was holding her breath, and she wasn't the only one. James had a hair trigger for her orgasms, the mix of powerful physical sensations and the slight tinge of pride that accompanied one of her orgasms was usually enough to send him over, and that time was no exception. Holding the air in his lungs, chest burning as he twitched and throbbed within her, until releasing both his air and a flood of white, creamy seed straight into her womb. She couldn't really feel it, she had found out that that was impossible. What she did feel was his heavy twitching and erratic humping, and she too grinned for herself. And she had good reason, no one could make him cum like that, not the lovely Fiametta nor her cheery otter friend LeiLani. No, she was the only one who had the power to bring that pleasure out like that on him.

They panted out their orgasms in utter delight, completely spent out even though they had done little physical effort. Nonetheless it felt as if life had been drained out of them. He looked at her straight in the eyes, wanting to say so much variations of the same sentence but all he could muster was "I love you", which for the spent kitten was more than enough. "No you don't" she replied playfully with a giggle, which pulled a confused look out of him. "You love Lani... And in a certain way you loved the little Italian human as well... No, you don't just love me and I know that" she said, that gleam in her eyes impossible to fake, and also impossible to ignore. "And I don't know what it is you feel for me, but I simply love it" she said, nuzzling him. He just nuzzled her back, he couldn't add any more to what she had already said. A quick look at the clock told him that it was kind of getting late, and they had chosen the morning hike the next day early.

"I vote for sleep..." James said as if he was voting for a resolution in the United Nations.

"All in favor, this motion passes" Sarah joked back at him and kissed her big furry bag. "Now turn to your side so I can breathe... And careful, I wanna sleep with it inside me..." She teased, meaning it. He wouldn't even think of complaining to something like that, so with a grunt and a twist they were soon cuddled in the cutest position possible, and on their way to LaLa land.

"Are you sure it's this way?" Sarah said softly, looking at James. He was holding a hiking map, trying to figure out where they were.

"Abso-posi-lutely-tively" He replied with a giggle, knowing that she would get exasperated with his stalling. They had gone up a rarely used trail called 'The Vixen's Tail' and it was quite hard to see with so much growing vegetation over it.

"Come ooooooon" she said, looking at James. They had woken up, sweaty and sticky and somehow still joined. After quick showers they had found this small little trail, and decided to go that way. A decision that Sarah was beginning to regret.

"Oooooh so the little N means north is that way..." He said, joking to make her even more frustrated. She looked angry but between her exasperated sighs she let out the occasional giggle or smile, so he knew he could keep playing.

"I swear, I'll blue-ball you" She said, fiery glint in her eyes.

"Okay okay, that way" he said and folded the map. Following the terrain for some time they once more found their way, walking up through some rock formations. James stopped for some water, and his ears perked up as they picked up an odd sound. It sounded faint, like... A cry for help, a muffled cry for help.

"I swear, if you keep joking like that..." Sarah began, but he made her a quick gesture to shush. She looked angry for a second, but then he looked at her really concerned. "Do you hear that?" He asked. She listened, orienting her ears as little antennas trying to pick it up. "I... I do, is that...?" She said, and then jumped up. Someone, somewhere, was calling for help.

"You search that way, I'll go this way" she said and they began to search. She picked it up, it seemed to be coming from a... Rock. "James, over here!" She said. Rushing that way, he too could hear the sounds. "Wait, lemme see..." He said, and climbed to the top of the small rock formation. There, through a small crack, he heard the distinct voice of a female.

"Heeeeey!! Are you okay!?" He shouted. A few seconds later he received a reply, too soft for him to make out the words.

"Sarah, see if there's a cave entrance or something on that side, she's trapped inside" he said. The feline did just that, and found a small opening covered in rocks. "Yeah, found it. Looks like it caved in!" She screamed up to him. He jumped down and went to her. "Yeah... Think we can push this boulder out of the way?" He said. It seemed rather easy from their position, but there was no way that someone inside could move it.

"Yeah, lets give it a try" she said urgently. Using their bodies and another rock for support they pushed hard, groaning as they began to move it carefully. Finally it seemed to snap and rolled a bit down the hill, causing the whole thing to come down. Thinking fast, Sarah pulled her mate out of the way just before a decently sized rock smashed his previous position. Standing now at a safe distance they saw the thing crumble down, revealing a small gap in the rocks, big enough for someone to crawl in or out. They held their breath until finally a careful head popped out. Pulling out of the rubble, a male German shepherd looked at them for a second and then back inside. He helped another German shepherd walk out, this one a female and probably the one that had been calling for help. They hugged each other and then looked at their saviors.

"Thank you, thank you so much... If you hadn't come we..." He began softly, and then cleared his throat and stood upright. "Where are my manners... My name is Logan, and this cute little thing here is my love, Sasha" he said. The female blushed a bit as she was called like that but smiled nonetheless.

"No no, don't worry about it. We just hope you're not hurt. I'm Sarah and this is James... What happened?" The feline said softly.

"We were exploring this cave here... And it caved in, trapping us in there" Sasha said, looking at her mate. James and Sarah looked at each other; it wasn't hard to figure out just what kind of 'exploring' they were doing, but out of decency they ignored that.

"Lucky you didn't get crushed by those rocks... Are you staying at the resort?" Sarah said with a friendly smile.

"Actually we are, this is our first day around here" Logan said. They looked to be around 30, as tall as James.

"Ohh that's so cool... Why don't you guys finish up the hike with us?" Sarah said with a happy smile.

"Actually we had enough adventures for today, so we're heading back... But hey, why don't you guys have dinner with us? They have this awesome little restaurant down in the resort... How does 6 sound?" Sasha said with a grin.

"Six pm sounds great! See you there" James said with a smile. He had been positively enthralled with the breasts on the female, a roughly 36D by head estimates. Sarah had caught him, and smacked his butt as soon as they were out of sight. "Perv, I didn't peg you to be a boob lover" she said with a soft laugh.

"Heeey, I was just... I don't have a way out of this one, do I?" He said with a smile.

"No you don't, keep walking" she said, keeping his butt in front of him, just as a safeguard instead he made another comment. And because it wasn't a bad view at all.

"Another glass of wine, Monsieur?" A server asked, but James asked for water instead as he looked at his watch. It was a quarter to seven, and they still hadn't shown up.

"Maybe they forgot?" She said.

"Maybe... Maybe they just... What if they never came back from the hike?" He said softly, scared. Sarah got up and left a twenty on the table, walking with James towards the front desk. She was in a nice short dress, classy but not overly elegant, and her mate had a cute blazer and a half tied tie on his neck, making them both look really well dressed and yet not too uptight. Upon reaching the lobby James talked to the squirrel girl in charge. After some time she dialed up the phone number for their room. Then, she shook her head. "They're not picking up" she said. James nodded a thanks and left.

"Wait, where are we going?" She said.

"To their room, I'm beginning to get worried" he said softly.

"Are you sure it's the best idea? Shouldn't we like..." Sarah said as they got into the elevator, but then noticed that this was indeed the best idea. She too was getting worried, mental scenarios of wild animals or natural disasters leaving them in danger played through her mind as they walked through the long hallway. Upon reaching the door he stopped. No sounds came from it. He knocked, and as soon as he did so the door swung open. It wasn't been locked. Both gasped and looked at the scene. Sasha's arms and legs were bound to the bed. The possible situation that had her as a hostage lasted less than a second, disappearing once they noticed that she was not only bound with pink plush cuffs, but also that she was naked.

"Oh gods!" The trio said, the younger couple looking away in shame. "Sorry sorry!" They said, closing the door so that no one would pass by and see the scene. It took them a minute of awkward silence to do something, and it was the bound female who finally broke the ice. "Oh gods, I'm sorry... We totally forgot that you guys were waiting for us..." She apologized.

"No no, it's not a problem, we're sorry to barge in, we were worried you might have been in trouble and... And..." Sarah said, she genuinely felt like she was gonna burst into tears from the embarrassment. James held onto her and calmed her down a bit, her presence also calming him down.

"Oh that's so nice of you... Turn around guys, it's not like you didn't see already" she said. The pair turned around slowly, and looked at her. Her soft fur glistened, clean from the dust from before, and her breasts out in the open looked even bigger. "I uh.... So..." He went, stammering as he couldn't stop gazing at her.

"Oooh, someone is enjoying the view..." She said, noticing the obvious tent in James' pants. Sarah didn't mind, it's not like he could choose not to feel aroused by that view... Hell, even she was getting aroused, crossing her legs slightly.

"W-where is...?" Sarah asked, looking at her.

"He ran down to get a condom, guess he was the one that left the door open..." She said. She seemed only a tiny bit angry, and in fact had a certain spark in her eyes... James took a quick sniff of the air, and noticed there was no scent of heat in the room.

"Uh... This might be way too intrusive but... Why do you need a condom? You don't smell like you're in heat..." He said, blushing. Sarah nudged him with the elbow, that had been indeed a very inappropriate question. Condoms protected against pregnancy or disease, and if she wasn't in heat....

"Oh? Oh no no, it's not what you think, we're both clean... I just... I love it, the feel of rubber against flesh... Especially the ones with textures or tingly lubes..." She said, blushing madly since her arousal was becoming slightly visible, nipples getting erect and sex glistening slightly, and she couldn't do anything to hide or sate it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply..." James began, blushing too.

"Oh it's okay, I don't mind..." She said. She was about to say something else when Logan came in, dressed in a robe hastily tied to go to the lobby and back.

"I'm ba... Whoa whoa hey... What...?" He said, looking confused as he looked at the intruders and at his wife, who shrugged with a playful smile, as if admitting a happy mistake, HIS happy mistake for leaving the door open.

"Remember something honey?" She asked.

"Uh... Oh shit the dinner..." He went, looking in a confused way at the pair.

"We uh... We came to see if everything was alright... But we were just leaving" Sarah said softly, and tugged on James to leave as well, but they were stopped before they could even turn around.

"No they're not, in fact they were just about to get rid of all those pesky clothes and join in" she said loudly, smirking evilly. James choked, Sarah shivered from head to toe, fur standing. They looked at each other. At this point James knew she wouldn't mind if he had sex with Sasha, and he would certainly not hold it up to her if she was to have sex with Logan... Still, it was a very tense situation, both really uncomfortable.

"Are you sure Hun? We've barely met them..." Logan said.

"Oh come on, I saw the way you looked at her when they rescued us... You always had a thing for younger girls... And he is almost a tripod" she said. Both mentioned blushed hard, and Sarah even giggled as her mate got called a tripod. It was true in a very imaginative sense, his tent pretty much obvious.

"W-we can't just drag them into something like this, I mean..." He continued. He knew she had been right, he had been eyeing Sarah before, so he decided to switch the argument. It proved to work in Sasha's favor though, since the younger couple looked at each other and smiled. They didn't even say a word, why would they? They both knew exactly what they wanted. Sasha squealed in delight as the pair shrugged and began to undress themselves calmly. Logan didn't say anything, he simply couldn't hide the fact that he too was eager to have some group fun. There was a heavy, thick and awkward silence as they stripped down to their underwear, and Logan did the same with his robe. They all looked at each other, as if daring to see who would get naked first. The female bound to the bed gave off an exasperated groan and tried to usher them by clearing her throat. Finally, James shook his head and did away with his underwear. His penis stood proud and hard, somewhat pointing at the female's sex as if it had a mind of its own. Sasha couldn't help but throw in a lusty growl, almost impossible to hear. Logan, who was not going to be the last, took his robe off and his underwear, revealing a sizable erection about same to James'. Sarah's breath became heavy as she saw this display of male organs, and blushed wildly as she too got naked. She then did the most reasonable thing, which was to kiss James romantically, trying to get something going.

"That's so cute... But what's the fun in that? If you guys are up for it, we could swing... Honey, do you mind entertaining Sarah while I have some northerner loving?" She asked in a way that was simply dizzying.

"I'm actually..." James began, about to explain he wasn't really a northerner, but wisely said nothing else.

"If they want to, I don't see why not..." Was the reply, a subtle invitation for them to say wether they were in for the game.

James looked at Sarah. After Fiammetta and Lani, he was in no position to say no to her. She knew, and yet her eyes begged for approval. She didn't just want him to condone it out of a debt, she wanted real approval. All this was transmitted without words, and as if telepathically connected, both kissed softly, barely brushing their lips together before going towards the bed.

"About time, I'm beginning to get cold... Care to warm me up mr husky?" She said with a naughty giggle, looking at him. She then looked at her mate. "Did you get the rubber dear?" She said softly.

"Uh? Oh yeah, I didn't know which one you'd like so I brought a textured one and a hot sensation one..." He said, taking both out of his pocket.

"Decisions decisions... I'll go with textured one tonight" she said, and Logan handed the appropriate package to James, since Sasha was in no condition to grab it, much less apply it. He looked at Sarah and smiled, that warm smile that simply said I love you, and that always calmed both of them down. It was as if he had switched on a kink mechanism on her, and her ears went flat with a certain spark in her green soft eyes, before turning to Logan with a soft purr. "I don't imagine you guys have extra handcuffs..." She teased, dragging a soft finger all over the male's cock.

"Actually I do think I have an extra pair... Honey, where's the leather kit?" Logan asked in a manner that made them all giggle.

"Red duffel bag..." She said and turned her attention to James, who looking at her. "Would you like me to touch you a bit before we go? I give some mean teasing massages..." He said.

"No... No foreplay..." She said softly, shaking his head. "I need you inside me and I need you now..." She added, blushing slightly and looking to the side.

"Alright then... Gimme a sec and I'll put this on..." He said, taking out the condom. It had little nubs and barbs all over, as well as rings around it; and on both inside and outside areas. While he fumbled a bit with it he turned and saw his mate. She had somehow tricked Logan into getting handcuffed to the bed, and she was asking him something.

"Hey, can we use the rubber you had to spare?" She said softly, blushing madly.

"Uhm... Sure" he said softly, not really knowing why she wanted a rubber after they had said they were clean and she didn't smell like she was in heat. Grabbing the condom as he pointed it out she placed it nearby, and looked at him. "How about you? Straight to the fun? Or do you want some tongue bathing first?" She asked. He stuttered a response she didn't really hear, and simply giggled as she began to give that meat lollipop nice, long licks. His moans echoed just in time with James' as he slipped the condom in. It felt amazingly odd, just putting the thing was enough to make him moan.

"Ready stud? Come gimme some loving!" She squealed as she could only watch helpless from her tied position. Hovering over her he pressed his tip against her opening, and slowly slid inside her. Both exhaled a shuddering moan, especially James since he had never been inside a canine girl before. An otter and a human weren't really that different than felines, who were slightly tougher and firmer inside. However, canines were much more flexible and soft, designed for smooth and thick proboscis like his. It felt quite interesting for him, and judging by the sounds she was making she found it quite interesting as well. Turning his head he could see Logan, who had his eyes closed and his head rolled back into a silent scream, as Sarah took most of his cock inside her. He had been in that position plenty times before, and knew that his reaction was because of his sensitive tip softly rubbing against the back of her throat, the feline girl suppressing her gag reflex really good. She was pulled out of that sight, literally pulled out as she moaned out his name in urgent need.

"J-James... F-fuck me... Please" she said. He then realized he had stopped moving to enjoy the show, and the bound girl around his cock wasn't pleased about that. He nodded absentmindedly and began to piston in and out of her sex, her vulnerable position giving him a good angle to rub up against her G-spot and a good depth to faintly brush her cervix if he pushed his knot almost in. Sasha seemed to like it due to the sounds she was making, the nubs and ridges of that condom, slick and rubbery, working her up like a rocket. He too was feeling quite the surge, both by the strange texture and the massive squeezes that she was giving him with the only muscles she had free. It did take a little bit out of the pleasure, mainly the flesh to flesh contact, but everything else was just perfect. Still, he couldn't help but keep looking at the other pair. Sarah was grinning in lust as she placed the other condom over his cock. Logan moaned as the hot lubricant was applied to his sensitive skin, and gave an even bigger moan as she sat down on his cock, her sweet tight folds parting to give way to his member. She hissed slightly and held still, before moving in soft bounces up and down. The lubricant made her pussy feel like it was on fire, and it felt so nice that his cock felt like a piece of molten rubber as well...

James returned his attention to the canine he was fucking, but found out that she wasn't paying attention at him at all. She had her head back, tongue lolling in a cute and silly way, and her sex was clenching hard on his own, pulling it deeper and begging for a knot. She was orgasming and he was just realizing that. Noticing that he himself was quite close too, he complied to her unspoken desire and pressed hard. He had never fucked a girl that was actually designed to be knotted, and the way his cock popped into her sex felt so slick and easy, it drove him into cumming immediately. He gave off a groan and began to empty his furry sac into the rubber, with Sasha not really able to feel the sperm but feeling the sudden heat that came from it. She had a mini climax, sort of an aftershock orgasm, in which she let go of a silent scream before simply limping her body. He too finished spurting and rested carefully on top of her, those bouncy chests working as an amazing pillow, as he kept his head to the side where Sarah was.

The finished couple watched closely as Sarah bounced up and down on the organ that was pointing upwards like a rocket, ready to lift off. From the heavy groans that were being heard it was nice to assume that they were getting close. Their pants became louder and she let off a needy whine, one that James had only heard a couple times before. This shocked him, and he made sure to keep said information to discuss it later with her. Mere seconds later a heavy grunt and a shuddering moan were heard, as she pushed down on his cock to force the canine knot inside her, which popped in quite rapidly. James imagined that the mere difference in how she held his knot tight would be enough to send him over, and indeed it was. The only indication however was the hiss and tensing of his muscles, as he filled the reservoir with his fertile seed. There was really no way of knowing wether Sarah had an orgasm, but James was almost sure she had by the way she moved that lovely tail of hers from side to side. Their pants became heavy deep breaths, and then pure silence as they all laid exhausted and satisfied.

"Well, that was nice..." Sasha said, breaking the silence. All three nodded, and Sarah looked at the other couple.

"It was indeed... Although I'm hearing some growling down here. Either I'm squeezing his knot too hard or he's as hungry as I am" she said with a giggle.

"Well, it's not like we can just get up and go downstairs... We're gonna have to wait" James said with a groan.

"Right, shouldn't be more than fifteen minutes... At least for my cock. Talking about cocks, Sarah... Which one is bigger? Mine or his?" Logan asked. His wife shot him a rather funny glare and the question made Sarah blush madly. James was looking straight at her, she knew. So with her wit she came up with a good reply.

"A lady never tells..."

"...James?" A voice rang out. The husky was snapped to reality, and his mind quickly interpreted.

"S-sorry. Two glasses of champagne please" he told the waiter, who bowed politely before leaving.

"Are you okay? You seem odd..." Sarah said. Her white dress sparkled under the soft light from the candles.

"I'm alright Hun... Just a bit dreamy is all" he said with a reassuring smile. As the champagne glasses came he adjusted his bow tie a bit. It had been a month since their vacation, and he had asked her out for dinner at the Italian place where they had met. They went there often, both finding the classy aura that surrounded it rather appealing.

"I know, I know that pretty well... You've been like that ever since we returned from Texas..." She said. After their odd encounter with the German shepherds James and Sarah had spent the week pretty much having sex, between themselves and even switching partners from time to time. It had been an amazing vacation indeed, one that both had enjoyed a lot.

"Yeah... Well, at least the nightmares have stopped" he said with a wide grin, trying desperately to change the subject since he knew exactly what she was gonna say.

"Yeah, but only because you haven't been sleeping! I mean..." She said before blushing and leaning in. "Is it because I had sex with Logan? I know you said it was okay but ever since that..." She began, concerned.

"It's not, I... You know it isn't that..." He said. That encounter had certainly given him a lot to think, but not in the way that she thought.

"Well, then whatever it is I hope you can trust me and tell me" she said with a reassuring paw on his shoulder. James was going to say something when the clock struck nine. As if on cue, a specific song began to play. Their favorite song, 'Fly me to the moon' by Frank Sinatra. Both their ears perked up as they heard it, and for some reason James blushed wildly, a sudden knot in his stomach.

Fly me to the moon, let me play among those stars. Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars...

He took a deep breath and looked at her. "Look, I just... I've been thinking about so many things lately, and I realized that... That I love you" he said with a soft romantic smile.

_In other words... Hold my hand... In other words... Baby, kiss me. _

She blushed and giggled like a schoolgirl as he so cutely expressed his affection. "I love you too..." She said softly.

"So after all that thinking and reaching that conclusion I guess I became a little crazy... And when I go crazy I do some crazy stuff right? Well, this time I didn't" he said softly, his left hand discretely fishing into the pocket of his coat to grab the small object.

_Fill my heart with song, let me sing forever more... _

"Umm... Okay, I guess that's good, right?" She said with a nervous chuckle, the song gently swinging its notes through the air.

"It is... I've been distraught all these days because I've been trying to make sure that this is indeed a sane idea" he said, looking into her eyes as his left hand pulled the small black box from the pocket.

You are all I long for, all I worship and adore...

"And, is it? What is it exactly?" She said softly.

"It is... In fact it's the only thing that makes sense right now, I can't imagine not doing it..." He said, slowly getting up from his chair, which froze her in place.

In other words... Please be true...

Still looking straight into her eyes he laid one knee on the floor right by her side. He could hear her breathing increase, the murmurs of the other patrons of the restaurant. He took the small black box and opened it facing her, arms stretched out.

In other words... I love you...

The diamond sparkled like a thousand suns under the candles and Sarah's stomach did a somersault, her heart in her neck. He looked at her and his eyes asked the biggest question before he said it.

"In other words, Sarah fowl... Will you fly me to the moon?"


Victorian balls in cruise ships

Hey SF community! Here's something I really love to do, it's called a gift commission. This fella wanted me to write his mate a story, very nice and romantic, for Valentine's Day. This type of things seriously get to me, I really love to do them. It...

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