Deviant Pack (1) - The Rust Barn

The young wolf asked, peering over to the shorter individual in the hoodie.

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Wildtouched Species Data

With experience, shifting can happen voluntarily, or be held back, as the individual desires. further experience yields an "anthro" form that can also be shifted to.


Unified Species of the Galaxy (Scrapped)

A list of the an individual "anthromal's" development has been created and i'll copy it here.



He came out to himself and to everyone in his life, he quit drinking, and he decided to learn jungian psychology so he could devote himself to helping others on their own paths to individuation, to freedom from social conditioning.

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First Version: Rociel Hentzel

The suit itself is made of a symbiotic nano-gel that becomes a physical extension of an individual by using his/her thoughts, the nano-gel was originally designed by the malonions who live in a distant part of the galaxy the suit's equipped with a cloaking

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[SNEAK PEEK} Pitfall Jellies : A Primer

While every individual pitfall jelly is unique, we have been able to deduce three specific primary types, which we will outline in the following three case studies, collected from three separate intruders to our research grounds.

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The Vincent Chronicles - Prologue

Firstly, religions here developed with a slightly more optimistic attitude; individuals who were born with "the blood of merlin" were praised and nurtured... accepted as guardians and rulers of their native lands.

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Crimes Undone Part One

But that was the public prison system, this was a private prison for special individuals.

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The Club is a Dangerous Place (Part 5/7)

This type of love is more emotional, and allows the individual to share significant emotions with others. this type of love is quite crucial for the psychological health of an individual.

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Unit 1206

In fact, individual 1206 have been found to be circumcised; only filth due to living in unsanitary condition has been found in the urogenital area.

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