Classmate Lovers
I pulled her chair out for her so she could sit down. She sat down and looked at me as I pushed her chair in a little. Then I got in the chair right next to her. I logged on to a computer for the third time and just did nothing the whole class period....
Lover's Dawn
Its hands shot their way through window sills, in particular it had to stop to find the still life of a lover's morning in a bedroom.
Shark Lovers
Shark lovers written by chris sharkson part 1 (shark love) constable chris lehman a highway patrol officer gets aquined with a female shark named melanie. "chris where are you?"
Unattainable Lover
Sighing happily, amber leaned down to kiss the top of her lover's head as she straddled his thighs.
Lovers in the Dark
They had one last deep kiss before vicky whispered "best friends for life..." and desmond replied "lovers forever..."
Lovers by Proxy
**lovers by proxy** "goddammit!" there were few things more aggravating than spam e-mails, except perhaps for spam e-mails with viruses in them.
Rivals and Lovers
# rivals and lovers tigress pointed to the iron-banded door and said, "if you put the lock _here_ and the hinges set into the stone _there_
Dragon Lover
My Love for Dragons is for eternal I wish I would have it as a house pet Wanting to have one as a nocturnal Riding a dragon to see the skies met Dreams about it, I see myself as him Release my primal instinct as I please Wit vicious...
A Mistress's Lover
"del, now's not the time to be focusing on ghost lovers... now's the time that you start getting ready."
Altomare Lover’s
#1 of poke'mon lovers **altomare lover's** altomare, the most wonderful place the newly trainer had eve laid his eyes on.
A Lover's Promise
Arthur digging where he wasn't meant to might upset his lover immensely. pocketing his glasses arthur strode purposefully out of the library and down the hall.
Kamikaze Lover
Is my canopy in amicable sanity hidden within pockets and pockets of blind monogomy myself bound within inside beneath a cloak of twisted blasphemy a body within a body a soul beneath a soul entertwined embraced together you are my kamikaze lover