Visiting the Uncle
As i drove through the motorway, i couldn't stop thinking about the true purpose of my visit. my intention was to have a threesome train with me being the top, and my boy taking it all from his uncle.
Visiting a Friend
\>maybe it just what transpired that emboldened you, but visiting her had always oddly enough been the highlight of your night, so the underlying feelings were always there \>"you are my life, maybe we can do something a lot longer than a visit?"
Visiting Woes
A wire tripped in my brain as a noise made my large ears swivel, turning the mirror-like surface of my sleeping mind into a tempest. I couldn't say I was 'awake', but there was simultaneously enough sense in me to both be able to speak, and to utter...
Doctors visit
Jade snuggled into Archer's arms as the fox carried him into the office, Jade's ears and tail flicked nervously. "It's ok buddy." Archer whispered, scratching him between the ears. Jade only whimpered in response. Archer knew he didn't like the doctor...
Visiting Friends
Soft huffs of breath filled the living room while its occupant lounged on his couch, stroking his massive shaft and watching TV. The horse lounged on the plastic-covered seat and rolled his head back with an indulgent sigh. One of his hands rubbed the...
Visiting Friends
One day, they started talking about visiting each other. after talking it over for a few days, they decided that since miles still lived at home, it would be easier and cheaper for jason to be the one to visit.
Just Visiting
. \<3 **just visiting** when woofy had taken up aubrey and kobaj's offer of a visit to meet them in person, they'd all promised that no matter what flirtations they'd shared via texts and the occasional racy photo or video, there would be no expectations
Jus visiting...
Jus visiting...
Surprise Visit
A sweet doberman girl gets a surprise visit from a long-distance friend. this is a short piece i did about 6 months ago. ivy sighed, finally turning off the lights in her small dorm room.
A Visit to the Basement
. :3 **a visit to the basement** dyluck's cheeks burned beneath his blue scales as chase led him through the doorway and down a set of solid concrete steps. "we could just go home..."
A Visit to the Station
The slender kitten thrashes out the last few chords to the band's final song, his eyes closed until the music fades, purring softly as he waves happily to the crowd with the rest of the group before they all trot offstage, Scott lagging behind slightly...
A friendly visit
#8 of smithy a friendly visit the blacksmith trotted quickly through the streets, hurrying in order to get out of the sudden summer rain.