31. Dead-End
Though the weather factory was already a hive of activity, rainbow was not quite her energetic self just yet.
Mystery of the Murdered Workers - Chapter I
"the weather is fine daniel... at least last i checked."
The Raindrops' Lull
I mean, the weather? i'm scared of the weather." "field, just ... hush, okay?" he nodded weakly. the storm was getting closer. the thunder was louder, and the lightning flashes ... closer. everything closer. louder. everything more.
Potion Cat: An Elemental Find
Layne blurted, "you control the weather?" "ah...that is another question. i need to ask you one before you ask another."
Dizzy Twister 2: A Lunchbox and a Cutie Mark
She paused for dramatic effect and to be sure she had everypony's attention, "we're going to go to the weather factory here in cloudsdale and learn what its like to be a weather making pony!" the class cheered, they knew it would be fun.
Core's Opportunity - Chapter 18
The one line that surprises him the most is: "petra can predict severe weather more accurately than any weather forecasting system currently in use and meteorologists all over the west coast have started to source her blog for weather predictions."
The Perfect Storm
Being from a warm climate on the mare internum, he's unused to extreme weather, or cold.
Summertime nights (chapter 2)
- alright then, it's a great weather, so i go for a morning walk, she exclaimed and stood up. len tried to understand his sister; how came that she takes a walk on every good weather? - lin, you can't be serious, he said. - and you can't be either.
Prompt: SI potential original story
My trusty toyota plowed through the rain and intermittent gusts of wind, the weather picking up quite nastily. i hit the weather band button once more only to hear the standard recorded message: a decently clear night devoid of any storms.
Chapter 5
I don't know if it was the weather that was making me sick or the trees since it was springtime, but all i know is that i have a slight cold. "you know what this weather reminds me of, sergeant?"
Love is Color Blind Chapter 2: Kuyomi Luna
After an hour of learning about the weather, lucas finally dismissed the class. "i want you all to try to learn a weather-summoning move of your own this week. if anyone needs assistance, our own weather coach, castelia, is always available.
Born For Loyalty Chapter 7
Twilight skies passed the reigns of ponyville's weather to me a few months ago and it's been an alright job.