Special Treatment
His own erection rubs painfully within the confines of his shorts, yet makes him want more, as he presses back into the uniform behind him.
Love Bubble Trap
It actually wasn't a bad way to pass the time, as she found herself actually enjoying her confinement within the playful heart bubble.
Things That Go Bump In the Night
You slid into those hot confines, so tight and always warm, strangely, hot and warm despite how cold her exterior could be. but it made things that much better anyway.
Jerec's First (A Threesome) Part 4 of 4: Loved
She began again to work the brim into her mouth, pressing the throbbing arousal into the hot, tight confines of her salivating lips.
Starfox: For the Love of a Vixen - Chapter 1
By the time that the twenty-four hour confinement had expired, fox was back to his normal self again. which wasn't saying much.
In Which we Learn of our Subjects
This story for the most part only sets up our characters in various states, the rough confines of what i will write about, our two heroes in the main block of story will be young and grow old and the latter part of the story will set up the characters themselves
001 - The Fable Of Feigh!
I run straight home, trying to ignore the pain of literally growing outside of the confines of my skin.
Natural Equine Enhancement (Anthro Stallion TF)
It was obvious that his feet were not fated to last any longer in the confining shoes.
Meet Me in the Stables (Patreon Extreme)
He eased them open farther and continued into the confines of the large building, bringing the cart behind him all along.
Bound In Beast Flesh -- Bound In Fox Flesh
"hold strong for but a moment longer, dear hunter." you think you hear her say, through the muffled confines of your helmet.
Survival of the Fittest: The Romance Extrapolation (part 3)
. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- so, after i left the confines of le vieux carre, i ended up sleeping until noon the next day.
Feeding the Fish
Abam spun in his confines, bumping into the glass wall as rohert pressed his snout to the glass, fogging it. "g'night, abam. we'll get you some nice new digs tomorrow. love you."