Tailesium - New Reality
Tongue hanging from his maw, saliva dribbled from it and into his cleavage as he awaited the coming eruption, like a bird stalking an earthworm.
Runaway Experiment: Part 8 - Destruction
His vision was still blurry, but he could see the vines in his pod were thrashing and twisting about like agitated earthworms. and their color had gone from grassy green to a brown/yellow ugliness that bore a resemblance to autumn leaves.
Lykos - Lonely Mountain
The aroma of the soaked ground under his equally drenched shoes was rich and pervasive, perturbed only now and then by the faint and viscid smell of earthworms, awoken from their deep dreamless slumber by the copious water that had impregnated the soil once
Lykos - Lonely Mountain
The aroma of the soaked ground under his equally drenched shoes was rich and pervasive, perturbed only now and then by the faint and viscid smell of earthworms, awoken from their deep dreamless slumber by the copious water that had impregnated the soil once
Janja And Jasiri - The Return Of The Tradition
Karima loves to feel earthworms walking on her body and mzingo thinks that makes her even more attractive. jasiri asks her mate: "what do you think, janja?" "jasiri. you look spectacular." janja is more attracted to her now.
Autumn's Feathery Love
An earthworm with a defect of a gryphon. a dirt-crawler who would end up alone, with only his own gryphon to love in the absence of a mate, for who would take a grounded avian like him? they had one thing right.
Tailesium - Waking Up
Grunting, she pushed, wriggled, and strained it like an earthworm on methamphetamines, mindful all the while of the prize waiting on the other side.
Conquest of Fur
Maybe when i'm done with you, i'll transform you into a pile of earthworms, ready to eagerly crawl in the dirt that they belong in. yes, i think that will do nicely," said tali in a calm voice. "you're about to have a fall off your high horse, bitch.
The Seeker, Chapter 37
Ever try and hold onto to a fifteen foot earthworm? it was slick and slimy, plus it was wriggling like crazy and kept trying to get away, and making wet slobbering sounds and drooling all over the place.
Furry Dominance, Scaly Submission: Conclusion, Final Chapter
The ten-inch long tongue at the end of uroshonth's sex became increasingly active inside her, slithering all over like an eel thrashing at the end of an angler's hook, like an earthworm that has been dropped onto a hot stone underneath a burning sun.
Cindy's Life Adventure Chapter 2
"earthworm jim...?" asked cindy. "i know it sounds absurd;" said kurt, "but trust me; it's a very neat show and should certainly tickle your hubris." "my what...?" asked cindy, "do girls even have those...?"
First Impressions
Usually good pasta is few and far between, so i have to make do with things like earthworms..." larna grimaced, making sorbeo laugh. "wash them off and they're really not bad.