Hung Up
The juicy flavor of the fruits still dancing in her maw as if it never left, almost climbing her long neck as travv lightly squeezed her middle.
The Dark Park: Chapter IV
He ran his fingers across their silhouettes and let the first of the juicy gurgles sound out around them.
The Three Little Pigs
Licking his lips at the juicy meat, he stared at the roasted cock and balls carved from ruderick's body.
Sharing With Your Roomie
It must've been so hot and juicy and nice in there... paul began to unbutton his leather jacket. "think he minds a second helping from a stallion?" the horse grunted roughly.
Commission: MLP - Secret Royal Tournament Part 3
Just after landing that hit she'd flip her hand down, twisting her grip so that she could take hold of that thick, juicy, well rounded, sack of balls between his legs.
Commission: Between the Tournaments Part 2
An easy movement brought tight, muscular, and well trained legs to crush down on either side of nyle's skull but more importantly brought her juicy blue slit up to this dragon's mouth.
Raptorsibs - A Visit From Grandma Vanessa
It was plenty wet and juicy still, the fact that it was so loose and relaxed only made me want to shove my snout in deeper, those loose walls stretching around my muzzle as i licked and kissed all around her g-spot inside those hot and sticky walls.
Spongebob Squaremaid
The bun is filled with juicy meat, lettuce, fresh, crisp tomato, cheese, condiments, and to top it all off... extra pickles.
[QC-02] Cavern of Knowledge
The more he moved, the thicker he felt that knot swell within him, its berth pummeling his pucker with every juicy pop in and out.
Twin(k)s: A Scarfire Yiff Fanfiction
Rody got up, lifting his low-slung coat up over his tail and revealing his juicy, light-brown glutes, which were swaying back and forth as he approached the television set.
An Egg-Laden Tie
It didn't take much for me to expose my plump, juicy, dripping lips. all my blood pooled in my nether regions, preparing to offer all the elasticity and malleability my flesh could offer.
Iron Author #7: Good Cock, Bad Tiger
More specifically his big juicy cock. jack was the big bad tiger around my high school, and he was gay too, as funny as that sounds.