Shock to the System

Disclaimer: this is a story involving nazis and furthermore, it contains scenes set in a concentration camp (a made-up one, but a concentration camp just the same). this is no sex. nor is there any glorifying of the nazis and what they do.

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I will be compleatly rewriteing nexis' story and fixing it up so even the grammer nazis will like it.

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Wolfentraum: The Prologue

One man will always be left alive to tell the story. _________Hannah Arendt, Eichmann In Jerusalem             Andrew Lightfoot had just turned eighteen that October when his father took him to Roanoke for a gala charity event, to be attended by the...

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Love in the Reich: Chapter 1

"don't moves or the nazi lover gets it." ha-ha," the sheppard softly snickered at his comment knowing he was the only manly one in the relationship.

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Enthralled By Love.

"i'm probly not doc jenson's only patient, nazi. and no worries. i'm sure i'll be fine in this doctor's care." nazira chuckled softly, but i knew she wouldn't leave till she got her answer.

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The Infection

If you're expecting a twisted/kinky/bondage story involving nazis, all i'll say is that this is a story about companionship and love, not forced sex. sorry to dissapoint.

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One Way Out - Chapter 15 (TITAN: Or, Testosterone and Rhetoric)

That term meant only one thing: nazis. i was barely able to muster a nod towards miguel before heading with marcel towards the mats. i had heard many stories about prison nazis being even more brutal than the ones on the outside.

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Make us suffer for the nazis..... that's what tragedy wants.... but for us tragedy is not new.... nor will it ever be..... tragedy will always be with us no matter where or what we do....

Evokation / Book IV: The Hanged Man / Part 4

Cherry grumbled, but proceeded to do so as a few cars rolled by, making the nazi flags on the lampposts to either side of them flutter.

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one nation (poem)

. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- please, no comments like "omg you hate america you nazi" ive seen people do that so many times. and for the record i do not hate

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Aaron: Let's screw (things up)

"cameron, and you better remember it, nazi." "nazi? now, that's interesting." he bent over the raccoon. god, he was bigger than that guy and he thinks he could insult him... "as i thought. a simple mind to a simple guy.

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