Born For Loyalty Chapter 9
"hey gilda, don't tell me a harmless prank has got the better of you?" gilda smoothed herself before replying. "told ya dash. i'm always in for a good prank and that was a good one."
MLP luna's fun night
Idea he knew a few pranks.
[R] Warped Friendship (vore story)
They are just pranks... everyone is so serious about every little thing that other people do, for some reason."
Vacation is all I ever wanted
"the proposal is to rig mini-golfs," drama queen states and turns to prank caller, "prank, what exactly would this entail?"
Never Stops Going Around
Zero had gotten him good; far better than most pranks trinity had pulled of himself.
Part6: Ein Lichtblick im Dunkeln
Der drache fuhr sich mit einer pranke ueber das gesicht und starrte dann fuer einen augenblick auf seine pranke die so dermassen zitterte das der schluessel darin leicht klirrte. er ballte seine pranke zu einer faust und versuchte sich zu beruhigen.
Aretia - 001
Ein schubsender stoßer zwingt aretia auf alle viere, während die eine pranke sie auf alle viere hält und eine andere pranke ihre hinterläufe brutal auseinander zwingt. unter ihrem schweif spürt sie die feuchte, weiche und suchende zunge.
Bucking Griffin
"Griffins don't buck," Grey declared firmly. "Well, it says you will on the box," Gretchen said, taking out the box to show it to him, "Males will buck, 100% guaranteed." Grey sighed, once again his girlfriend had went out and bought a product to...
Mad Surfer Kapitel 3: Zweisamkeit
Noch bevor er die ersten tropfen pre verlor zog er die pranke des alligators aus seinen shorts, leckte sie ab und drückte sie auf seine brust.
Forever Teammates
Rikku had gone against croagunk, the town's resident prank master for the past few years, in an official prank war, and won with ease. it had been brought around when the poison-/fighting-type found it a good idea to prank rikku and sara.
Invention of the Week #2: Dragon Pearls
We all love a good prank, so i made this thing called the dragon pearls. it's a plain emerald pearl necklace, at a glance. and. well...who doesn't love a good harmless prank?
Des Jägers Trophäe Kapitel 7: Experimente
Er begann zu keuchen, fuhr mit seiner pranke über scars schweißnasse brust und genoss jeden zentimeter dieser starken brust.