Case File: 001

- canines prove most resilient to therasphetamine. primary effects of drugs delayed by nearly 4 hours at this dosage. - felines negligently affected.

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The Lusty Argonian Maid 2:3

~i must say are so resilient.~ she lifted her hand forming a blade in her grip and began to swing down when suddenly everything snapped back into emptiness and the pain of reality tore the voice out of her mind.

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Zombiology - Orca

Simultaniously annoyed that the creature would not allow itself to be disposed of while also amused at its resilience, he grabbed its foot again and one more dragged it deep below the surface before letting go.

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The Filly (1/3)

Broader, stronger mares were preferred for this purpose, they were more resilient - but oh, what she wouldn't give for an actual horse like this.

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A Wild Night

More, and his balls -so tightly pressed against the wolf's twitching rim- would surely spill their burdens just as fast as the wolf came to expect from a feline with the sexual resilience of a rabbit.

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A Wild Night

More, and his balls -so tightly pressed against the wolf's twitching rim- would surely spill their burdens just as fast as the wolf came to expect from a feline with the sexual resilience of a rabbit.

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Colossus Intervention ~ Prologue

The imperial red nation(not to be compiled with any russian descent), a powerful dictatorship having the most resilient military in the world, located in the northern hemisphere; the star league, being the most ethologically advanced but smallest of

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DragonSong- The Price of Gold

His wings were resilient enough to brave the fiercest currents, and prey would kept him fed for months. the barrier of mountains came into his mind. so close, yet so far away... **you are not what you own.

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Yoko vs Dolly 1

H: both combatants are resilient and flexible in different ways. t: yes, tik tik scared at first, but this could be fun! h: indeed.

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Mayve and Jay 1

"the... the queen was more resilient than i thought. like she was suped up on magic or something." "hey, don't be glum!" jay says, draping a hand over mayve's shoulder, pulling her in. "we're both in this for the fun of it all, right?

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The Item, For Sale

Unable to bear the degradation any longer, the scanid stoop up and roared to show his resilience and try to scare away any prospective bidders. he felt a shock and fell to his knees.

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The Last Agent of the Old World: Transformation

"i've been a bit resilient to change for a while now, you could say." she looked confused, but didn't pry. so i asked, "where are we?" "welcome to my home," she said, "a lovely place just off of the continent of north america."

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