Age of Cataclysm: Book 1-Chapter 51
Apologies for the later upload than usual, but I come with two updates instead of one. In the last installment, I said the that it and the upcoming chapter is just porn without much of story advancement, if any, and I said that you wouldn't have to...
Age of Cataclysm: Book 1-Chapter 50
Here it is, folks. The 50th chapter into the first book of the Age of Cataclysm series. I figured that to mark the occasion, I would dedicate a chapter to one long, erotic scene, so there is little to no plot in this installment. Little did I know how...
Failure Without Hope Book 1 Prologue
#1 of failure without hope book 1 this is the beginning of a journey for 5 warriors. they are tasked with taking care of the gods of the realm and stopping them from destroying the realm.
Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 10
#11 of equestrian stories book 1 well this is probably the longest chapter i have ever written in my career of writing but it was totally worth it, i hope you enjoy this story!
Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 9
Equestrian stories book 1 chapter 9 loss of love luna reappeared outside of the canterlot city ruins and immediately tries to stand up. "come on... come on...."
Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 8
#9 of equestrian stories book 1 woo finally the big fight i had planned and you saw a preview off, heres the full fight and with ending changes too! i hope you all enjoy!
Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 7
#8 of equestrian stories book 1 woo chapter 7 and probably one of the most emotional scenes ive ever written in my writing career, so enjoy ^^ equestrian stories book 1 chapter 7 heart break alex began to dash down the stairs returning back to the room
Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 5
#6 of equestrian stories book 1 chapter 5! and woot that scene was so emotional it even had me tearing up as i wrote it! chapter 6 will be much longer as it has a lot going on.
Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 4
#5 of equestrian stories book 1 chapter 4 woot!! drama and the mini journeys of the mane 6 and their friends, sorry fluttershys is short but it is really hard to do discords speaking and fluttershys so again sorry!
Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 3
#4 of equestrian stories book 1 chapter 3 and oh boy things are gonna get more crazy as time goes on! equestrian stories book 1 chapter 3 dark truths alex bolts past spike "alex wait up!"
Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 2
#3 of equestrian stories book 1 woot got chapter 2 done! lots of story building and plot development!
Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 1
Equestrian stories book 1 chapter 1 darkness and nightmares in equetria peace and tranquility continued, the battle against the dark phantom was completely forgotten.