Le Salon de Petite Morte - Chapter 2

Hoity toity's interminable anecdotes and sarcastic commentary, filthy rich's constant business talk, the high-society gossip of ponies she wouldn't know or care about. even the sex parts might not excite her.

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Goddess (Chapter 2)

Not as much as she has now, but her family was high society. "over on the east coast there's a man named flagler. made his money in the railroad, too. have you heard of him?" russell nodded. "i know the name, sir."

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Crown Jewels

Her two brothers were warriors and statesmen, her two sisters were ladies of high society, in line to be married off to lives of luxury many nights away. and her? the final child, the youngest of the royal hyenas?

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Chapter 13: Doing It With Class

Why couldn't i fall for a handsome, high-society stallion?"_ resigning herself to fantasizing about vinyl once again, octavia shut her eyes and slid her hoof down between her legs.

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The Princess Canine: Chapter 1: Auditions

He spoke in a high society tone that seemed fake, but appeared to roll off his tongue as natural.

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The Sixteenth Date

My teeth were shiny and sharp, my fur was soft and flat, and the beige tuxedo i rented would make me blend right in with high society.

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Extra Chapter: Good Fathers

"high society doesn't count mommy because she didn't give birth to me . . . i'm just a fisher like mom. a _peasant._" "you aren't _just_anything," theo said angrily.

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Business Between Partners

His own brawny silver body with dark points along his muzzle and limbs, his body athletic and tall, well built and powerful in a suit that cost more than his secretaries salary, they were a wonderful couple, admired and invited to high society functions

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Identity: Chapter Twenty-Three

Ned and garrett were strolling casually among the crowd, keeping within sight of olympia, who seemed to have inserted herself in with san fernando's high society as naturally as if she'd lived there all her life.

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Private Wizard Time

Kids who would grow up with expensive educations and inroads with high society and later brag about how they were a self-made wizard who never had to take a handout, and put themselves through the magical academies with only their hard work, determination,

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Crown Jewels

Her two brothers were warriors and statesmen, her two sisters were ladies of high society, in line to be married off to lives of luxury many nights away. and her? the final child, the youngest of the royal hyenas?

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