Nation - The Solar Republic

The legislature is made up of two houses; the senate and the colonial assembly.

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Canis Interstellar

That outpost helped drive the mars colony of new london from a few dozen people, to a few hundred in about a decade through immigration and readily supplying the colony to keep it growing.

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Names of War

As a survivor of the avelain colony she had been told not to talk about what she had seen.


Into the Unknown-Chapter 1-The beginning of the voyage

When they were done, the station looked like a wreck almost with the station having been put together from scraps of other ships before the hq decided to get it moved into place over the homeworld that they colonies set up for the new colonies.

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What Universe Am I In? Chapter 1 (rewrite)

Many people are from the colonies, hence we all identify as citizens of the terran colonial alliance. accents aren't really noticed either by people who don't naturally speak our languages.

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Chapter Three - Dallas Takes Charge

"no one is to leave the colony until i say so, now run around and spread the word. tell them that dallas, not thunderpaw, told you that no one is to leave. it could compromise the safety of the whole colony if one pikachu is seen leaving."

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The Cold Wind II: Taniwha (Ch 01 - 02)

He thought about the decreasing number outlying colonies that were still loyal to the empire; there were going to be serious repercussions when those colonies realized they were being abandoned by the fleet.

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Teilhaber – CAW Universe - Book One - Chapter One - Just Another Day

Thomas lived in the dorms in the colony that were completed about two decades ago. the colony got larger over time after it was ready for use, that was how it was designed.

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