Forester's Stand Part 1
If things had gone differently, subsequent events could have resulted in a total rout of our forces in that savage continent, instead of a localized insurrection.
The Mountain trip Day Two
After a while savage and the rest of the class came out. "ok, everyone, time to head back, and i hope you had your fill, the rest of the food is going to be savage cooked," he said alound. the hike back to the cabin was very boring.
Never Again
#30 of fallen sky tales the soldiers had fortified the walls with scraps of metal and stone (and a few destroyed vehicles) and took out the now rotting bodies of the savages.
New Life
Box- yes protection, we protect the inmates of cell block j from themselves, if you have an issue savage- you come to us box- if you got a problem savage- you come to us box- if you want to kill the new guy while he's taking a shower savage- you
Arcadia: Changed
"imagine it, savage. our brotherhood thirty-or-so strong.
The Demon Knight
The leader and savage never worked together but they give raseri a long fight. not much was known of the war but savage ended up killing many furs. then one day savage vanished and the leader stopped his fight with raseri.
Return to Chaos
A few more rounds were fired and more savages fell, "i'm here to do my job, which means you're all gonna die now." the albatross hovered over dante and fired upon the savages.
Zootopia's Slothful Savior
Judy wasn't sure of what would happen, and thought about how to prepare going savage. there wasn't much to do. for all she knew the effects would be temporary, but bellwether said it wasn't the savage formula, so what then?
Brotherly Love - Secrets Revealed - Chapter Four
Kneeling beside her son, she rested a trembling paw on his shaking shoulder, and kes screamed and flinched - fearing the savage beating to continue.
Zootopia: Brave New World - Interrogatory
Bogo asked, and savage soon answered. "_oh, they believe!
A Different Path Chapter: 9
"try again, savage," replied the badger as she gestured to her collar. judy felt the wind leave her as sudden realisation slammed home.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 49: Your Tomorrow May Never Come
The savage smirked as another bolt of lightening struck the ground. naomi leapt into saber's arms shaking. "it is okay naomi, we are safe for the time being.