Percy's Life Part 1 - The Mighty Caterpillar
**Percy's Life Part 1 - The Mighty Caterpillar** Copyright 2017 by Simplemind So far, my life has been a pretty exciting journey with many ups and downs. It has not always been easy and I went through some hard times, but there are also some very...
Little Boy Blue
Aging varies in the kind, as i have seen, and so it made sense that if , as you said i said, he was a youth and yet not a youth, then he must be old, but looking young. and here he is." "yes, i get that.
The Deal
The youth walked with a similar tone to his step, though his body swayed with a girlish subtlty, with an effeminate swish.
Pop My Balloon, Cheetara!
The rest of the youth's orgasm followed like jerking, bucking fountain with the flow falling onto the scraps of rubber. end
Shattered Shards: Horse and Hypnotist
One last piece slipped into place, just as the youth suddenly jerked back.
Dragon's Glory Chapter 2
His tail was always such a sensitive erogenous zone that the slightly strokes could send the red haired youth soaring.
Dragon's Glory - Chapter 2
His tail was always such a sensitive erogenous zone that the slightly strokes could send the red haired youth soaring.
Evolution - Chapter 2
His voice trailed off as he swallows past a lump in his throat, the youth seeming like he wanted to say more.
Unexpected Dinner Guests
On the lakeshore, the handsome elven youths had changed positions, somewhat.
WOLVES MIST - Chapter 1(.4)
"don't fight it, accept it" the youth next to him panted between harsh breaths. chris didn't know if the youth was even speaking to him. "embrace it, cling to life" the youth continued to pant before bellowing in pain.
The Cat's Stroll 07
The ox youth only took a glance around, before turning to the rat youth, "aren't you thinking too much? there doesn't seem to be anything here." "that just means it's not at plain sight. good stuff is always hidden."
Evolution - Chapter 3
"anytime, pup," the youth whispered, returning the hug.