Foxslut (NSFW)

You made quick work of his meaty erection, inhaling his unfiltered, addictive musk and his moans made you purely happy as he experienced the first orgasm of the evening to set a precedent for the night.

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Fixin' the vixen

The vixen let out another whimper, tongue still working at those full orbs as she took deep long breaths of that increasingly addictive musk - something in her buzzing mind starting to awaken as her own arousal started to grow.

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Work 2 (the Evening)

But what i like the most is his heavy addicting musk, which you could not resist, after you get it enough in your nose.

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Father-Son Bonding Part 1 NSFW

His pants started to tighten as he sniffed his son's addicting musk.

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Foxslut (full) (NSFW)

You made quick work of his meaty erection, inhaling his unfiltered, addictive musk and his moans made you purely happy as he experienced the first orgasm of the evening to set a precedent for the night.

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Taboo Fantasies Abound! M Pignite X M Quilladin

There was the center of all of the addicting musk as it winked just in the corner of pete's sight. his body took action before his mind and he licked it from scrotum base to the tip of the crack.

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Cerberus: Chapter 1

**Cerberus** **Chapter 1: A Stray Hound** So many people let their lives pass before their eyes, never really exploring beyond the grassy knoll of their birth....

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The Naga's Ruins 2

Sending the snout tip right within the careful grasp of the tailhole, the warmth flowing along his scales, the smell nothing like one would expect from such a place, it instead only rich with the addictive musk that the naga consistently gave off.

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LnL: Submissive Musk

I can imagine the wolf's sweat during this morning's workout enriching the already addicting musk that he had. more tickling follows by more respiration.

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LnL: Dominant Musk

To reciprocate, he moans to my massage and rereleases his addictive musk. i pick it up and notice that it's more potent now. probably because of how horny he got. but it also becomes more robust with each grope i make.

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Pokemon Sexual Type Characteristics Reference

Repeated exposure will lead to addiction. musk is typically sour and 'swampish'. earthy overtones and overbearing like a fortified wine. can occasionally be intensely sweet or metallic depending on concentrations and pokemon.


The Dragon's Eye (Entry for Zsisron's contest)

The more she licked that hard, hot flesh, the more she sucked in the addicting musk the more the dragon felt as if she was being pressed against a wall, ground and squeezed until every drop of lust and surrender she had had flooded into her head.

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