"Someone go with him." Chef wanted to go looking for mangos. "I will," said Willard. "C'mon, Chef." The Labrador, and fox, leapt from the boat, and onto moist, humid ground, that matched the stifling air. Giant trees with triumphant green leaves...
The Devil May Care 53
Tags: no sex, gloating, apocalypse now, elysium, bondage, cat, tiger, god, jesus, pestilence, equine, various species, armageddon, series, modern fantasy,
Serra the Survivor Part I: The Camp
It is a zombie apocalypse now though, there's no other way to describe it. people started going crazy and biting their friends, and it just spread from there.
Commentary on the Apocalypse
The preceding has been my commentary on the apocalypse. now, there is work to be done.
Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 3
He'd seen a few episodes of m.a.s.h. on telly and he'd seen apocalypse now - well the last hour of it anyway. armies, huh? there was a lot of shouting and wearing green and brown. salutes. stamping. running and jumping...
Not So Retired Any More V
The voice buck used might well have made lieutenant colonel kilgore of apocalypse now happy. or frozen the testicles right off a less arrogant ass than the lion on the other side of that phone. "sure, fine.
It's called the zombie apocalypse. now some of you might know what this is, and others might not. to those who might not, i'll give you a brief history lesson. back in december 21, 2012 the world fell into chaos.
The One - Part 02
"wanna see apocalypse now? kind of a commitment, but i haven't seen it," stephen said. "yeah i'm down," charlie said softly. he leaned back, as stephen lowered the hue lights and turned up the volume on the tv.
The New Breed, Chapter 3 New Kid on the Block
I seem to recall an embarrassing incident involving a drunken young fox with a power booster and a bootleg copy of the soundtrack from 'apocalypse now' that we survived in the early days. off with you now, there's a good chap."
Ragnarök Now! chp 2: The Ride and the Truth
As the tones from the famous song sprang forth from the speakers, rick was forcibly reminded of the movie "apocalypse now!" "strange" he thought as he shifted lanes. "i am dead, why do not the valkjyries come for me?'
The Grids
Where clans on games came first, and resources for "apocalypse now" came second. now i regret not doing anything for this day. and i regret not going with my family. not paying attention to where i was going, i stepped on something, and slipped.
Jimmy and Connie do a convention
I mean with the whole final fantasy nine meets apocalypse now thing going i kinda have to wonder." it took a few moments for the lights to come on in jimmys head.