Parking Mall

A story entry for Linkin Monroe's Doberman contest. Wasn't expecting to enter actually. I just started writing this down cause my brain told me to pen down a story about Doberman. Browsed through a few stories for the past week and I thought, hey! It's...

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Reaper: Hades - Snakebite

He fires multiple shots in various directions before tossing the gun to either of his snake heads which then continue the barrage while he is free to move or defend himself. covers a wide range but rarely accurate.

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Master's Command (Commission for 12345Furry)

Even with multiple shots, all it did was soak and fill the fabric that covered my groin. "fuck yeah... cum again!" master ordered. the tingling returned again, and soon was shooting even more cum, still trapped in the fabric. "again!"

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Royal Service

As the surge of heat reached the tip, it erupted from it in multiple shots of thick royal semen. with each throb, the wolf took another blast of royal seed into his throat, doing his best to swallow as much of the salty liquid as he could.

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Hunted Relentlessly: The Beast And His Monster Part 2

It wasn't multiple shots, it was one massive spasm that back-washed so hard it almost took my legs out from under me. i howled like fenrir, muffling myself because the wave of relief i was awarded was just too sweet.

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Newfound Love Chapter 1 (Part 2)

I had multiple shots of pre hitting my tongue and throat, loving the taste of his sweet and salty pre. he bucked softly when i reached his knot, and i gave it a light squeeze, and he bucked a little harder.

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Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 20 - Commander Xoltan

Raising the crossbow she fired multiple shots the beast weaving between them. he roared and dove his claws into the ground. they would have pierced her chest if she hadn't moved. growling he swiped at her repeatedly.

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Unstable Serenity - Chapter 4, Black Dawn

The dragon then aimed his gun at me, for about a second, we both had our weapons aimed right at eachother, and then we fired multiple shots simultaneously at eachother.

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Morning in the Park

"for the role play and multiple shots on goal, two-fifty. add fifty for going bare-back and another fifty for the wear and tear on the outfit ... altogether that's three-fifty."

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Lovehandles' legacy

Lovehandles thrust as deep as he could and unloaded multiple shots of warm cum into the pandaren's belly. he could feel her own orgasm dripping down his cock and making his thighs sticky. the two lied there huffing and panting.

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Saturday Rituals

It was me, my cock shooting so hard it literally drilled a hole through the sheets on the bed and soaked in with the other multiple shots already deeply imbedded into the fabric of our love nest.

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