Non-Traditional Clothing (3/3)

The sand and wind continued to whip up around Kevin as he pushed his way towards the temple, putting his hand up against his face to try and block the grit blowing into his face while he pushed forward. Though it was hard to see the trenches that they...

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Non-Traditional Clothing (2/3)

When Kevin awoke it was with a gasp, and for a second he thought he was still in the dream as he felt his face and could only sense the touch of latex against his skin in the darkness. He fumbled for the light and when he was able to turn it on the...

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Non-Traditional Clothing (1/3)

Just as the sun began to set in the desert the two humans that worked in it were glad to be rid of the heat, the two of them sitting outside their tents as they watched the light disappear. Kevin and Lorkos had been in the desert for nearly a month now...

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Breeding a Future: Chapter 8

Loving a Unicorn Breeding a Future Chapter Eight Written by Arian Mabe "Mares and stallions, fillies and colts," Caderyn began, his magically booming voice echoing through the trees and over the twitching ears of every unicorn in the herd. "We are...

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Breeding a Future - Chapter 8

Loving a Unicorn Breeding a Future Chapter Eight Written by Arian Mabe "Mares and stallions, fillies and colts," Caderyn began, his magically booming voice echoing through the trees and over the twitching ears of every unicorn in the herd. "We are...

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Our Mother the Mountain

He smiled at their interesting dichotomy, of his traditional clothes and her modern clothes, and both of their animal bodies with human shape. it was that kind of contextual beauty.

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Monster Hunter-Enter The Hunter

Morning rose as the sun pierced the window seal, the warmth of the rays slowly woke a surprised zach who was fully healed and dressed in traditional clothing. "im...alive?" "and quite lucky to be so." "ah!!"

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 19: Intercultural Festival

Martin's clothes were unique, though, as with every traditional clothes here. the red fox looked like he was from some french countryside, enjoying life to the fullest. the costume was festive, spacious yet dignified.

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Tahikida, Chapter 3

Tahikida asked " you are to attend a public ceremony in your honor, this is an official event so traditional clothes will be worn" the ceremony was held at the mages temple in the city, many official furs had gathered, and some curious to the mages

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The Jester Among Dragons

But even the quadrupeds in the canine kingdom covered themselves in traditional cloth. all he could see was lizard slits and assholes. a'ex hailed from the wolf tribe, and he strolled among their former rival kingdom's court, scent conveying confidence.

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Flamefeathers - Becoming a Warden

"i didn't wear their traditional clothing." "what did you wear then?" blushing furiously, alcmene looked toward one of the stained glass windows and grumbled.

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What Can't a Magikoopa Do? (Super Mario Bros. Fanfiction)

"i'm glad i don't wear traditional clothes to hide this," he thought. bowser looked at her new favorite magikoopa and grinned. "go ahead; i'm enjoying the new form," she said. max gulped and began the tit-fucking. "of course, my queen," he said.

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