The Otter with Emerald Eyes
The Otter with Emerald Eyes By Foxpiper Wandering lowly amidst the shamrock shore, Was a grand creature steeped in Irish lore; For nary a soul would believe such lies, Of a charming otter with emerald eyes. Though none could deny the braw...
The Dead and the Desmodontinae
Trinidadian slang. vampin'- foul smelling. trinidadian slang.
Reference Guide.
You might get bruises depending on the game you're playing coffin: a metal box that people use to sink into and rise out of the virtnet sinking: slang for entering the virtnet rising: slang for leaving the virtnet hacking: typing lines of code to do something
Geese and Shepherds
In roman slang. 15) i will stick to them! as said above, roan slang. 16) boss! 17) chips? 18) the goose with stripes.
Natural Habitat Interviews 3: Sheila
James lipton: i imagine that your use of the slang makes things interesting when you're talking to people here in the states.
Watching Your Language
**death to slang!** narrators do not use slang. narrators do not use contractions. at no point should "his balls" ever "slap against his/her ass." never!
Adventures in Misadventure CH. 2
I will eventually write a slang-compendium, once i reach more instances of slang usage, but here's a little bit of an explanation. rams: rams is short for ramifications, it's most commonly used by pirates and agents, not generally by more common people.
Midnight Lusting
It's racoon slang though. she giggles a bit. she thinks racoon slang is cute. i smile. she smiles back. i love her smile. a bit toothy, but that gives it a touch of mischief. racoons like mischief. "sleep all you want, hun.
Marcus_Jase-Discussions over Dinner(LTMRT_NRMVFXVault_#0004)
The assignment called for the use of 20's slang, to which jase has a tounge for.
A Journey Begun - Chapter 21 - British Slang
The doors were closed, obviously, but this was the place, judging from the amount of swearing i could hear inside, mostly female and laced with a lot of colourful words that i guessed were british slang. "max i need a plan."
Westbridge Heights: Donovans Tale. Part Two: The Simplicity of Siblings and Waving good-bye to Women
€˜yeah, but in the usa we don't really understand cockney rhyme and slang' ‘that was hardly cockney rhyme and slang' ‘yeah but it might as well be, i swear i can understand kook better than i can understand you sometimes.'
I also have to let y'all know, there will be usage of slang in this chapter. certain words, that don't make sense, for example: feenin', kna'mean, and _puto, _are all slang.