Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 49: Your Tomorrow May Never Come

The dinosaur beastial teased the newest member of their group. clay ignored triceraton's jab. that was when the beastials noticed that their mistress had a noticeable frown on her face. "mum?" ember asked. "human, what is going on?"

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 22: What She Saw (You Win Everyone Else Loses Part IV)

On that spot were three beastials- one looked like a anthropormophic dinosaur and two aardvarks a tall one and short one all were completely naked except for a fundoshi they wore around their waists._ _the dinosaur beastial was orange, tall and muscular.

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Counter Earth Chronicles - The Demon's Slave Interstitial 1: Let's Make A Deal

As their agreement was sealed the female beastial's clothes dissipated; she was naked. "um not even a loin cloth?!" flo asked. "no." the demon grinned wickedly at her.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 8: The Life That I Have Lived... And What Remains...

I asked- "do beastials eat other animals?" "it depends on the species." she replied. "i am an omnivore so my diet is quite similar to yours."

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 34: The Reason (Places Both Known And Unknown Part III)

"honorary beastial mr. collins. he may have come from humble origins but he is one us and needs an education as well; it will aid his transition and integration into our community." (riiiiight.)

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 23:The Investigation of Mike Anger

Wait a minute, i understand the beastial custom of communal bathing- but communal sleeping?! is this another beastial custom?" "yes." the bull replied. "mine.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 39: A Dawn-less dawn (Conclusion)

As dawn and i got to know them- we discovered that they were tolerant of humans but despised all of beastial kind." "i take it their handlers were beastials little cutie?" my lioness asked. i nodded. "that would explain why alex."

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 97: Some Must Be Sacrificed If All Are To Be Saved (The Dawn Of Civilization Part IV)

After winding our way around, we arrived at the exit of the maze and two upper class beastials talking to a mute sergal warrior. "celestine, augustin." shakara called out to the porcupines. "well, if it isn't shakara and al." the beastial female said.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 38: Want To Die For The Sake Of The Universe? You Better Check With Me First

As for the rebel and his friends, i was their captive for a number of days- during that time, i educated them on beastials. presently the faction has disbanded and a number of their members are pursing other interests (like dating female beastials).

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