One Lucky Bus Driver

Hailey fired her gun, killing the final one with a headshot. moving quickly the rest of the girls pulled out what weapons they had and attacked. it would seem that their plan all along with to take the camp, kill everyone, and take their stuff.

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Salem would get a perfect headshot, and the guy just kept moving. he even tried sneaking up behind the guy and giving him a conk with the butt of his rifle, but it just seemed to bounce right off.

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Justice and Deserts

"considering how accurate he is with that thing, he better not go for any headshots.. " ryan chimed in. "oh yeah.. i guess i better not use any of these either.." he took out another jar of paintballs.

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Secrets Revealed, Liberation

Keith and hunter took down the group in the cockpit with quick headshots, and hunter ran over to the controls. hunter punched in some numbers to override the autopilot, but he was locked out. "dammit! these things are smart!" hunter cursed.

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Chapter 15: Trials

The three were fighting as hard as they could, landing perfect headshots, and quickly overcoming the crowd they had such a struggle with when all this began. but the executioner was becoming a real problem, he was absorbing bullets like a sponge!

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Chapter 14: Still More Fighting

There were a few villagers encountered along the way to the door, but were quickly subdued by headshots and assorted attacks. they reached the door and there was a keypad that needed to be cracked. "leave it to me! cover me boys!"

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Almost Perfect - Chapter Two

When did you realize it had to be headshots?" "oh, like as soon as the german shepherd yelled," kylie answered with a shrug. "damn, it took me a little longer." "well, there goes one floor. i wonder how the other two are doing."

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Fallout:New origins

"headshot times eight in a row, three seconds," he said smiling. "that's got to be worth at least ten bazillion points."

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Too Far Gone

Two shots were fired and both were clean headshots. bearmon got up as he looked back to see lisa and mena with guns in their hands. some of the other men shoot down simba.

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The War

Shooting arms and legs were getting dull, so i was focusing on pulling off epic headshots. my older brother, gull, taught me how to use a bow. this is a pretty cool weapon. he took me out to the forest where some deer and warthogs reside.

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Sharp Shooter-Chapter 3-Hellhounds

I screamed through bloody teeth and tried to raise my revolver for a headshot, but she grabbed my arm and snapped it at the elbow and tore another piece of skin off.

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