Pokemon Boarding School: Flannel Flames
Leaning up and over the weasel, leonard pressed his nose to quinley's own, rubbing them together as he rocked back and forth into the older boy.
Frankie meets Chad
Chad continued to pound in and out, trying desperately to outdo the older male, while frankie just enjoyed himself.
Hive: Baptismal
males laughed at the lack of stamina and continued to stroke, the hot cum dripping down jakz and the two males until finally the older males began to howl out with the younger ones spraying jakz, spence and aren with their cum, every canine marking jakz so
Master Ravenclaw
Despair is visible in the young rabbit's eyes, lowering his arms as he looks at the older male:"what... what am i? what's happening to me?!"
Beat and Rhythm
The older male didn't indulge his personal demons this time however, the oral attention also serving to clean the young woman up quite nicely.
No Alpha...
The middle aged fox grunted into jerome ear leeringly, the older male obviously gloating about his sexual conquest of the bigger wolf.
Two for one...
Jillian repeated slowly her mind suddenly filled with naughty thoughts, the older male chuckling as he read them on her pretty muzzle.
Assimilation Part 2
The younger lion very much could do what he wanted with the older boy. the two remained in the living room with the tiger being very much in control of the formerly smaller lion.
Rich in (Sole) Privilege
He groaned, and so did burnes, the older male closing his eyes.
(this story still needs a name)
He runs as fast as he can to go help the person who was in need. when sabor saw what was happining he went up to the older males and tells them to "stop" but thay just kick him out of the way, he tells them to "stop !
Daddy's Little Spoon
Timber sighed happily, enfolded in the loving arms of the older male.
Bottled up Emotions
He moveduntil he stood in front of the older boy. "say it sasheem. say that i am thenew leader." the older boy had collapsed on the ground, crying piteously. hisfollowers were looking from one to the other, trying to understand what justhappened.