A Light in the Dark

The cylinder had a middle made from glass, with sections of metal at the top and bottom ends, and in width it was just about too big to be held in a single paw. jarzyl ran her paw over the cylindrical contraption until she found something.

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DDD Day 16 Pirate Punishes a Pervert No Blood

Pirate let out a muffled chuckle as he pushed the beak further and further in, making an indent on both the top and bottom of the shaft, that beak continued to close, slowly compressing his shaft, flattening the wolf's length; he still didn't stop. "hey!

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DDD Day 16 Pirate Punishes a Pervert

Pirate let out a muffled chuckle as he pushed the beak further and further in, making an indent on both the top and bottom of the shaft, soon puncturing the skin and drawing blood; he still didn't stop. "hey!

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 2 - Ch. 1

You hesitated then, that dream-you, but only for a moment, before your incisors came down on the top and bottom of my nipple.

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Hare Of The Fox

Most of her teeth became more narrow and sharp while not changing in size at all, but her front two teeth on top and bottom jaw started to grow larger while remaining flat slates for chopping.

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Heat's Burden chapter 1: The Nightfuries and the Tyrant

The flare of his tip, as well as the nubs of flesh running across the top and bottom of his shaft, remained flaccid, denoting his lack of energy for that type of exertion.

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Fulsome Street Fair: Jasper's Snacc

He felt the hot breath against his maleness, having just enough time to think "fuck, he's about to eat my dick", before the teeth pushed into the top and bottom of his little 'maleness taco'.

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It was easy to follow the darker stain in his fur, and after all these years he hardly had to think about applying his kohl, until it sat black and heavy about his eyes, top and bottom, peaking into wings on the side; his signature look.

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Bon Noel

Both top and bottom were stretched out tremendously. her shirt may have torn off already if not far her breasts not growing with it, and actually seeming to shrink into the expanded chest.

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Facility- Chapter 3

My canine teeth definitely do, both the ones on top and bottom but so far none of the others are having that problem. the food is a strange situation in itself.

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