arthur was unable to stomach what he'd just seen.
Chapter 2: New Beginning
"but arthur asked..."
welcome to paradise 4
Dave and khar entered the hut and the shaman was just finishing wrapping arthur's arm with a couple of long brown leafs. david noticed there was a strange ointment on arthur's wound.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 2: All We Know So Far
"quite a night huh arthur? arthur?" minka called out. she looked at midnight black who then ran around the chamber before focusing in on the mural.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 56: That Which Defies Explanation (While She Was Away Part Two)
I helped arthur and minka up from the floor as we stood up and looked around.
Princess and the Dragon 9
arthur asked, wanting to know what he faced.
Shadowed Fates - Part one
arthur pointed to a device on the wall.
Independent: Episode Oliver
"you're paying by tasting the beer and thinking about it," said arthur.
A Lover's Promise
And, arthur noticed as he turned and saw them for himself, they all had green eyes. wonderful. "look out!" ganesh was shouting even as arthur spotted the intruders.
Going Under, Chapter 3 - Taking Control
arthur was looking at me with awe. i'd have to do something about what he'd just seen. "slave cub." i said. it was arthur's trigger phrase, and the bear slumped in his restraints. "arthur, can you hear me? nod for yes." the gagged bear nodded.
Bring Your Pet Over So I Can See His Cock [DIRTY]
"orgasmic," arthur joked, not helping himself to stifle a titter. belle lightly smacked his arm, chuckling, "it's been superb!" she rubbed arthur's arm, "arthur has been a wonderful pet although the first week or so was rough."
Fox Fire Chapter 1
When the skink bomb had struck and daniel dashed out to pull arthur back into the bushes he almost had a heart attack. arthur wasn't moving and he looked bad.