Escape into Love

"ohh my lovely bird." she giggled and shifted on her paws. "my handsome human." he lay her on her side gently. "this birthday i will be 18, then we can be lifemates." she crowed happily. "oh yes my love!"

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Dawn of a New Age: Temptation

_ my loves. my tentacles. **_my cecil!_** i felt them all again. my loves. our babies. they had nearly been split from me again! my cecil, our sons, so many of our clan brothers and fathers! i remembered now. the wolf and his men had killed us.

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(ZOO) All In A Days Work

"there, good boy - now, remember my love, gentle...nice and gentle when you..."

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Love's True Form

How does that sound, my love?" she asked, her voice dripping with anticipation. "perfect, my love," leung said, kissing her beak once more before lying back down on the bed at her guidance.

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Blood-Bond Ch7 (conclusion)

I love you, my lovely hawk." "i love you, too, my little jay." life is good. / / /

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Fly Among the Stars...

Rejoice my love... for you are now an angel... fly strong and high... for my time is nigh... i sing your praises... i vow my love... i pledge my heart... never more to love... save those you left behind... we howl to the heavens above!

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Lessons of life : chapter 2

Since you're seeing this, i'm fading fast now, right, my love? (tears starting to stream down dunn's shaggy muzzle) don't cry, my cub. you know i will always be there for you even after i am gone, don't you?! now open those eyes, my love, and look at me.

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My life in a nutshell

Why i want to visit my love and addiction.

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Account of Presumed Ecstatic Experience during Initiation Rite in Unidentified Mystery Religion

"i do not know if you deserve my love. why would i know if you deserve my love? why would you ask if you deserve my love? you have my love." he said. "you are my son." he spoke it into being, and it was. and i was.

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Farewell, My Master

" love - i...i loved you as a pet, raised you...cuddled you when you cried as a kit...fed you and adored you.

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Project Icarius - Chapter One

"the word my love - is tied, and yes...enjoy it my love...its really quite...pleasurable - for both partners, so go easy on your..."

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