[Draconicon] Dragon Overlord (Chapter 6)

And once one fell that far, it was quite possible for one's god to be completely sick of you, and they weren't likely to help in dangerous situations.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 36: Altered Beasts

She agreed that the four thugs from the beasts only gang got what was coming to them and was not worried that i was in a dangerous situation- briefly. she was also fascinated about lolly the partial beastial.

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A Slave's Love Chapter 2: Brains versus Brawn and Fang's true intent

Malachi's heart sank at the thought of captain fang putting him in such a dangerous situation. he thought he felt something more from the wolf as they laid together, fang tied inside him. maybe he was just fooling himself?

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Chapter 8 - Shattering Future

I'd be careful not to run into them under dangerous situations," said leo. "why? why does it appear now?" asked canterus. "the black wings go for many eons, traveling from one person to another with or without kanis falthelom.

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The story of the glowers Pt1

You have possibly been in more dangerous situations than most of us, and you're still in one piece.but i will always be there, so even if you find it too hard going, i will be there.

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Outpatient Scare

Tiny's neurons started sending out five-alarm-fire danger signals, as his body began involuntarily doing everything it could to get out of this dangerous situation. his arms fought against the leather bindings (to no avail).

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Chapter I: Light, Darkness, and Lamp Posts

Meanwhile ro was chinese and spoke with a very good english accent "good evening koji, ready for the night, i brought popcorn.", where koji was silent except in dangerous situations, ro was a blabbermouth, hyperactive that didn't shut in battle, but did clam

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Chapter 12: Role-playing

Blueblood wasn't used to being in dangerous situations, so his instincts confused him at first. he turned around to see if anypony was following him, but the hallway was empty.

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D.E1 Chapter 29 Turann's Empire

Alpha immediately saw that this was a dangerous situation so he attacked him from behind. when kiire turned to strike alpha, zonda placed his hand-paws on the gladiator's chest and stunned him with his bio-electric defense mechanism.

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AVMC Chapter Two - Cat and Mouse

Every swallow and invasive lick of freaky's tongue reminded him of his dangerous situation.

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No Light to be Seen: Chapter 15

If you slip up in non-dangerous situations no sex or chew toys for a week. do i make myself clear?"

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The Alchemist's Study: Chapter Six

I'd never felt anything like it before, yet i've had my share of enemies and dangerous situations in the past. then there was the subject of alchemy, which all i knew about it was a few cartoons or story books i'd read probably 10 years ago.

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