Business Casual (Chapter One)

They stepped behind dick's enormous desk. it seemed, and dick would later confirm, that the desk had been purpose built to hide someone beneath.

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Bulls Life: Life Starts After College

I looked over at the desk only seeing a large tan blonde furred tail sticking up. a red tip at the end like a dipstick. "um excuse me?" i asked. the desk jumped with a loud thud. "ow!

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1.6 Heat dream - Dixie x Georgette x Angel x Rita (series 1 finale)

"he thinks he can just bend us over a desk and have his way with us without suffering consequences, well not if i have anything to say about it" she said banging her hands against the desk in anger.

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Photos & Milk

His economics teacher, one naomi rasputin, sat patiently behind her desk.

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Chapter 1

The desks are on five different levels with six desks on each level. the teacher's desk is in the middle of the room on the lowest level with three blackboards behind it.

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FF: Diet Soda

Standing atop the desk he felt as if he was standing upon the side of a cliff. he tried to stay near the center of the desk to avoid falling off. as he backed away from the edge he nearly tripped over a pencil.

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Sex Ed

Elecmon then sat back, grabbing the edge of his desk, and put his full weight onto avi.

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Birthday Present

Her toes, in the air of the desk, curled within her white stockings while her back arched against the wobbling surface of the desk.

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Hotel Paradise (Chapter 1)

For the first time, ginger glanced towards the front past the desks, and realized that they were in a classroom... which should have been obvious in hindsight, considering they were all strapped to school desks.

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Eggceptional Get Away: Kickaha 2

Then he began to push it towards one of the desks with notebooks stacked atop it. he was soon having to run to keep up with the chair, and soon it flew out of reach of his claws and sailed right into the desk.

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Piggy and her teachers.

It had been cleared of any papers that may get wet, so that any liquids or juices that go on top of the desk can be cleaned relatively easily. kim climbed up onto the desk, and sat down on it.

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Michael and Amanda, Chapter 1

On either side of the lobby were four offices each with a desk and secretary in front of each door. at the far end of the lobby was a single office door with a desk and secretary. amanda noticed the occupants of each of the desks as she passed them.

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