Crazy One Night Stand

He paused and let the musk ox relax. his nose flared as he caught the scent of the manly musk. it was true that musk oxs really did have a strong scent to them. so feral.

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Grimm Opportunity

The bull let out a long, desperate cough, forced to squint his eyes as he was nearly blinded by the intensity of the musky attack. he felt as though he would be sick, his lungs filled with a sudden inhale of strong pungent musk.

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Alone Time

The musk deer headed back towards the kitchen, time to get some din in his opinion.

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Hot for teacher

The rabbit still had a larger basketball sized bulge in his stomach as he collapsed backward into the inch of thick musky cum.

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Superhero Story: The Villain's Minion

Immediately, the air filled with the rank stench of sweat and sex, of musk and masculinity.

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The Prince's Favorite Breakfast

His broad, long tongue flowed along the soft, warm crevice, tasting the skin and fur and indeed, musk, lovely, tangy cat musk that made his senses tickle pleasantly.

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Crash's New Pet Plant

The living room was full of a familiar musk and crunch bandicoot was sitting on his couch with his pants around his ankles.

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Work(the beginning)

Alex opened the door and was greeted by the strong musk of his secret lover. he inhales it lustfully until he saw that con was approaching him with two cups of coffee in his paws. he then coughs to not let con see that he likes his musk.

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Locker room 'dangers'

Leuphe screeched, clearly very pleased by the shape, and cyrus felt his nose filled with musk, and musky smelling goo.

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BROS! BROS! BROS!: Caught Up

While his tongue was going at it, the musk minded equine's nostrils were flaring against the space where the underside of the cock and the balls met. the sharp, pitched scent of musk was too much for him to ignore.

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Illicit Adventuring

It was similar to the musky scent pervading the area but the direct flavor bore stronger tones. he could still taste tones of petrichor and a touch of stone-like tone underneath the actual musk, but the musky tones were delicious.

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