No Plan Survives Contact: A Praetorian Side Story

Before he could drift back into a state of homesickness, the previously vacant stool next to him clattered to the ground. "oh shit, my bad, i didn't hit you with it did i?" a dog with a brown and black coat asked him.

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Ice Caps Lounge

Now wasn't the time to be homesick. closing her eyes the seal drank in the sounds around her as she sipped her drink. gagged grunts, the slap of leather to flesh, and the pop music to hide the graphic wet pistoning of those courageous enough to perform.

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Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Four

I started feeling homesick as i thought about phil and hooper. they were the roommates of lyon and myself. phil was a large black panther but was as gentle as a pussycat.

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Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 10 (Less-NSFW edition)

I know you must be getting homesick." lykou frowned for a moment, then shrugged. "yeah, a bit. i do miss everyone," he confirmed.

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Big Trouble for Jake

Maybe feeling homesick?" "i... i have nightmares..." nock confessed. "awww." friendly sympathised. "i also like my collar... but i'm never allowed to sleep with it. i usually sleep with a p... a p..." "a what?"

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Jarin’s Odyssey: Island of Mystery

"well...well...well we are dealing with some powerful sorcery here" jarin said wishing that he had brought that mage caster ensign, who was homesick at the battlefield.

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Eos 3: Desperation

The captain's the one who suggested it to me back when i first went through that homesick phase." theron looked away at the mentioning of the captain. his face was full of some new worry that concerned something far more pressing than dirt and bone.

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Staring Down the Barrel of an M4

The entire time i was here, i'd felt that staying away from calling them, or staying away from long letters would help keep me from being homesick. and until now, it had worked. but now, i realized how badly i wanted to get away.

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The Champion

I was tempted to stop and brag, especially when i saw a group of schoolgirls giggling over what a hunk the mystery man must be, but in all honesty i was slightly homesick.

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Finding Work At The North Pole

After all of the work she put in, takaza didn't relish in the idea of being turned away so quickly, but she was a little homesick after her expedition.

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Uncomfortably Happy [5]

"i only paint those when i'm feeling homesick." danny continued to look at all the paintings. he recognized a familiar pattern in them all. "you were a farm boy right? and this was-?" "-my home, yes." julius said, joining in danny's gaze.

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Praetorian: Chapter 5

The earlier tinge of homesickness weighed him down a little less while in their company.** **"good! i'm glad you two are ready.

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