Frustrations of Reality
Derek stood panting over the smashed mannequins, staring off into space with the thousand-yard stare i knew would lead to one thing.
the new guardian's part eight
The blunt end of her tail blade into bergs head sending him flying and to smash into the snow covered ground, cynder then smashed her tail into the ground unleashing a wave of ice at berg who counter with the same move but cynder's was more powerful and blasted
A Birthday Secret
" **super smash brothers brawl.**" "how is it?" the older, gray rabbit moves his ears forward in interest. "it's super cool! i knocked roger off the ' **the great fox**' map, but he got me with **sonic's** **final smash** move."
Beasts Unleashed
Entire sections of the catwalk were ripped apart and thrown to the ground to be smashed underfoot like stepping on a tin can.
Spitroasting the Elder
As a result, mark's hole was now a sensitive, clenching mess, his prostrate constantly getting smashed everytime that fat dick plowed through his cunt.
A Galaxy of Blood, Chapter 2 - Rust
Two flashlights cut in, illuminating the hallway from smash and sleek as the team moved in. "according to the schematics you got, we should be on something called the backup deck.
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 43: Demonic Warfare
You always have to smash apart everything you touch...?"
Evokation / Book III: The Tower / Part 8
Feet up and smashing them into bits, water and debris hailing down towards them.
A tale of Jeff
I yell and grab my keyboard and smash it through the screen of the computer in front of me. i sigh and unplug the screen and keyboard. i put them in the box with all the other broken screens.
The Digimon Wars Chapter 18 The Finale
Michael activated his jetpacks and pushed him back, he smashed seraphimon to the ground. michael absorded his sword bac to himself and held on to seraphimon's.
Dynasty: Origins, Act 04: Racing Out of Debt
Perhaps most of the time when someone's smashed by him, they spin out and one-shot-ko their hovercopter? well, not my hovercopter. i retalizated with a faster, harder smash of my own.
The Growlithe's Punishment (By: Cheetahlover)
The growlithe watched, breathing heavily in fear, while still whimpering due to the pain of his smashed nuts. at first, as the vice tightened on his knot, it felt nice.