Human Bitches Chapter Three: Rewards for Good Girls

Sadly, bird hadn't had the best sex education, prudishness being on the rise at that time, especially in the school system, and she felt the lack of knowledge on the subject keenly as she tried to fill in the missing gap in her fantasies, but failed

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Rapacious Raucus (A Sheath and Knife story)

That's where all the sex education is for kids these days....that and smart phones. i refuse to see alex get a smart phone, i told my dad "flip phone or he can shut up and use flags". kimba smirked.

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I knew from my one sex education class in high school that this would get a woman pregnant or give either one of us an std, but i didn't say that i was against the idea. i was quiet, still watching him, and he seemed to get a bit nervous.

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Inductions and Educations

There were several more back-and-forths like that, and bit by bit, miku was convinced that she'd acted out of an enlightened desire to provide her sister with a sex-education unmarred by arbitrary social norms. the next step was easy.

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Djinn Chronicles - Mischief Night - 9pm

Her sex education consisted mostly of people telling her not to do it. which she now realized meant that she had no concept of what sex really was. but if sex felt even remotely like what she was feeling, then it must be good.

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TSRS: Lisa and Cole the Begnning (prequel)

I like being with girls not boys, like they explained in sex education a few months ago. i'm a lesbian; i figured it out after the class.

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Space adventure II

Suidae gave much attention to sex education of their young, it being understood that the only adult role was to guide and monitor, not to participate.

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[The Immortals War] Prolog: Natasha and Talimer

sex education had warned her about that in rather vague way. discomfort however seemed to be a understatement. she had almost yelped and was sure that would have caused talimer to panic and think he had hurt her.

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Hunting Partners

The sex education lessons from a few years back did mention something about that, but i don't know how bad it gets or what to expect. how do you feel?" the question made pyxis pause to think before she replied. _oh.

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Night of Sin

sex education can only go so far. my enthusiasm led to my own detriment. i had no control over my gag reflex yet and i could barely ride cocks before my ass hurt." toby sighed, looking like someone genuinely disappointed in himself.

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Lust for Power

"part of my sex education as part of the clan for when i am assigned to seduce a target to get information through pillow talk or if he talks in his sleep, taking notes in case he says something we can use."

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