Rocketing Around the Galaxy 9

Glyn gritted his teeth, trying to stay on his tiptoes as the mercenary held him tight.

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Mounting Debt 4: Under the Blue Suns

Azen shivered as his body moved of its own accord, shaking his ass back and forth for the mercenary.

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1:14 Conference #1

#14 of the underground: the mercenary the mercenary _is the first arc of the underground series chapter 14 of 32_ **conference #1** palamont.

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A Passing Acquaintance

Surprised stopped mirnehviir and saw how the leader of the mercenaries, in a high arc flew over him. he lost a small metal tube, which lay before him on the street. the mercenary leader ended painfully in the cage of the dragoness.

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All quiet in the woods

Her touch was warm and gently and the mercenary who fought in dozens of fierce battles blushed and smiled amused.

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Passing the Torch (Act1, Book2, Chapter19)

One of the mercenaries approached smith and said, "the jewelry store owner is telling the truth." smith looked up at his coworker. "explain." the mercenary glared at donovan, briefly, then cut his gaze back to smith.

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Dante's Awakening Chapter 11.

They don't approve, but...well there are some shield-mates in the mercenary company, so no-one can voice their opinions too loudly." the others sitting next to him all nodded. "i was wondering when it would be noticed..." aspenall replied, sighing.

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Oh So Tragic - Part 1

The fact that there had been FBI and CIA agents after her for years, and maybe a few assassins and mercenaries in the mix should have made her just a bit worried, but of course at the moment she was too distracted to think about that. She had made a...

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Dante's Awakening...Chapter 9

Make sure that the mercenaries know that they are going to be mage bound, just like you are.

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Dev & Gru

Gru had never met anyone so well adjusted to the mercenary life before. usually guys were just like him; paying the bills with the most dangerous work known to man just while he went to college and built up an education. dev revelled in the suck.

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Operation Black Fang - Vulpine Specter PROLOGUE

PROLOGUE   22:42, 13th of January, Friday, 1967 Operation Blackened Fang, Alpha Clearance required Taiga, Russia -USSR Arkhangelsk Oblast Outpost Sgt. Jack McConnell - Vulpine Unit 131st   Fourteen hours, sixteen minutes, and thirty-five...

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Pact Chapter 2: Bar Fight Part 3

Tapping on their shoulder, Mortimer said. "It looks like both of you are in the wrong seats, drinking someone else's Mead." One of the men, who wore a green cloak, narrowed his eyes then smiled. Noah cringed at the cockly gleam in green cloaks...

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