1. My Memories (Prologue)

"right, now that we got that problem out of our system, here are positions i want you in during the test; the lex, tiger's claw ii and terra's shield, our only three available carriers, will form a triangle with the lex at the tip, claw and shield at the sides

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Space Invaders: The Beginning

"i'm serious, lex. sometimes i wonder what's really out there." thomas stared up into the sky and the setting sun while leaning up against alexei. alexei shifted slightly.

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Netherhiem 09

"i came to take you and the kids back home" he noticed the kids in the back, with solas hiding behind victor and lex.

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That Place - Part 1 of 2 (QCP: BG-Eps06)

Superman then said, "lex told me what he was looking up concerning terryville. i did some off time checking of my own and i turned over all of my findings to lex." lex smiled in that 'i have won' sort of manner.

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8. My New Life-7

lex said, sounding both amused and a bit sarcastic. i roll away from my tormentors and, after catching my breath, clearly ask, "what is it, lex?"

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A Slice of Lex: (Side) A Slice Of Victoria (Sensitive subjects)

This time as lex's arms came forward, she collapsed into them, breathing in the comforting scent of her wolf, neither one talking. "three shit days in a row." victoria said, her voice slightly muffled by lex's bust.

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Gargoyles vs Angel

"ahh don't be such a worrywart lex, it's a beautiful night to worry about anything." interrupted broadway. brooklyn looked around, "no broad, lex is right, everything looks a little too quiet. something's amiss." brooklyn deduced.

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 47: Battle Symphony

"don't worry, lex, shit happens sometimes." "i'd say that's the case but this never happened in barrowisle, _amigo_. barrowisle is like the most peaceful city i've been in." lex replied, the worry apparent in his voice.

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USC Sonic Underground X series 3 finale review

[lex: so it was you who took the tails doll! nazo: that's right! too much you fools know too much!] holy shi- wait... "too much you fools know too much"?

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lMore then Just friendsl lMall conspiratorsl

''hey lex'' sekhai greeted to lexiharin. ''hello sekhai'' lexiharin replied. ''so what did you think of oklain?'' sekhai leaned against a wall.

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The Third Wheel

lex moaned then bit his lips to try and keep his voice from carrying. brooklyn looked around and realized that this tower was one of the few areas not under camera surveillance.

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Trapped and trained Chapter 1: Alex's escape

I hope dad lets me out for my birthday like he did with you" "lex you still have to wait until you're eighteen to go outside. but when your birthday comes dad will probably show you the teleporter. until then just be patient."

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