SW: The Thundasa Crew: Vision (1)

#1 of star wars so, i've finally sat down after several thousand hours of studying, and have started typing out a star wars story. this is purely fantasy based and takes place in the star wars universe.

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Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 9

[http://kaernen.deviantart.com/gallery/2752077/star-wars-babes](http://kaernen.deviantart.com/gallery/2752077/star-wars-babes)(nsfw) - the girls will have a lot of competition if they want to get attention (do make requests for races you'd like to see

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Pokémon: Children of Creation: Prologue: Jubilife Nights

Sorry for my extended hatuis, my parents just found out that i'm a fur, and on top of the star wars hype, i haven't been able to log on (grounded from my tablet and banned the site from my browser) bug i'm back now, and able to post once and a while again

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34- The Path of the Sentinel

#34 of star wars: path of the sentinel kajex finally goes into depth about his past, illuminating his life history as a both a jedi and a son. **_"the force flows through us, from us, and around us.

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King's Blade: Prologue- The Aurelian Wars

One race in particular, the togruta, are from the star wars universe and i included them in my story because i felt that it would be a cool way to pay homage to such an amazing sci-fi franchise.

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Katias (Gift Story!!!)

Suddenly it was night and we were in our pj's (i in my spiderman ones and he in his star wars), just lying in my room talking. "hey kat?" vincent started the next conversation. "yeah vin?" i replied.

The Jedi Guard Preview

#7 of story previews preview of my upcoming lion king/star wars crossover. lion king and star wars are copy right disney. full version here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1083911 luke sighed as the meeting continued.

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The Greatest Victory

star wars, lord of the rings and any mythology that took his fancy, as well as keeping a watchful eye on the ever-increasing technological advancements of the internet from his vantage point before his monitor in his bedroom.

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Furry encounters 4

"did you ever see the movie star wars?" jed nodded at him. "these ships look like the imperial star destroyers down to every detail, even with the large engines in the back, but one thing has me puzzled.

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Zikita: chapter 1

It look more like a space ship from the movie star wars or star trek. a voice come from the ufo. it sound was a deep mans voice that said in english. "we have your planet surrounded. there is no way to win. so please give up.

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Serenifi: Great Scott! Part I: Scene 4

: nintendo 64", as well as some newspapers displaying the text: "new tv cartoon portraying violence, foul language, and poor animation, may be the downfall of america.", "star wars episode i slated for 1999 release!

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Sentinel Side-Story: A Day For Talrik

Being employed in the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4 was, by far, the best thing to happen to Etina Lye. It reminded her of the days she worked in Theed City on Naboo years before the Imperial occupation, a job that was challenging and called upon her...

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