Love and Sushi
Keith seemed so much more stressed out since taking command of koneko squadron. that new pilot didn't seem to make it any easier on him, even if she was cute.
Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 10 - Rendezvous
And who will be taking command of them when you are no longer able to." marien paused for a moment, her hand drifting to her expanding lower belly. "lieutenant volfen will be taking over for me. has he had a chance to speak with you?"
High School Romance
He would have rolled over and pinned the green himself, but degyn was already taking command. a sharp gasp stole smokey's breath away as his crevice saw contact again. it was different this time, hot and sleek, insistent in its urgency to press in.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 84: A Grim Present And A Darker Future (Conclusion)
Sir ram said taking command. "chemar, sanda comb the shore and try to find what ever he is using to inhibit our devices." "affirmative." the caracal said. "right." the cheetah said.
The Rat Queen's New Pet
"bernhard's down, i'm taking command. i order you and the rest of the team to meet me at the entry point." trent said nothing. ackley must have listened in because he was making his way back towards the door.
Roads Untraveled - Part XVIII
Where the holy priestess lacks however, i shall take command. is this pact agreeable?" "no. that's not enough." ilaria pulled her pup closer and wrapped her arms around her.
On Our Last Date
I went back to england, and walter went away to hamburg to take command of his leviathan. i never saw him again, and two years later his ship was sunk at the battle of jutland. i made no inquires about what had became of the crew.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VI Chapter 1
"i am guided" "by the ancestors i presume" "by faith dear friend, by faith" "and that faith tells you to take command over a life of a young girl" he waved his hand dismissively "enough about the girl, she is safe as long as i live.
Shadow at evening
"they tend to be nonaggressive, and they take commands well. they're not very smart. good-natured, though." officially the domestic servant moreaus had human-grade intelligence, at least by numerical quotient.
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 6, "Don't Die Frozen Over" - Part 1
The whole group redoubles their motions, zakee being slightly peeved at the lutrine taking command of operations but choosing not to question him.
Saber's War - Chapter 3: Assignments
It takes commands from not only your own movements, but also straight from your nervous system." the fox leads him into an adjacent room where the armor is stored. "here you are, let's get you suited up and the armor powered up.
The Voyage chapter 9
"an older class of ship, but my mate refuses to take command of a new ship. i hope this fiasco makes her to assume command of a newer one, plus it will be another month before i see my mate again."