Third Arc Crimson Moon: Epilogue
It was like history was rewritten without the seal ever existing. the funny thing is, i noticed that there were quite a few of rob's works missing. it made me wonder just how far back rob had been using the seal...
Makucha the Lioness
A story made by a pawliker and rewritten by me. makucha gets an intruder within the backlands that quickly overwhelms him.
Atlas Drugged
Faron's mind took hold to everything that he said and his mind was rewritten. long gone was the straight gamer boy. he was forever faron, the slutty gay horse who answered to his master only.
Elisyum: The Great Lords: Chapter 1 (Rewritten)
#2 of elisyum: the great lords disclaimer this is the rewritten version of chapter 1, this time not as bad as the previous.
Jeremy 051; Initiation
Its been rewritten just a bit to change the tone to fit the story but otherwise its much the same. as a surprise and also to celebrate the one year mark i'll be posting the next chapter tomorrow.
Jeremy 022; Moves With A Slide And Rhythm
While i've used a few bits and pieces most of the story has been rewritten after the first couple chapters. its also taken more than a few different directions than the first run although there seem to be more similarities than differences to me.
Sunshine Scientist Issue 3 Part 1: The Porker
It's been rewritten a couple times now, but the latest work on it was about a year old. so, we're still working through the backlog - this one should be finished and posted at some point, and possibly put out in parts as well.
A Problem Solved (By VeronicaFox)
That gave the young man pause again as he was forced to reconcile his capture with his current views of things, but it was also the greatest test of the hypnotic suggestions that had rewritten his personality.
The boy with golden core chapter 1[Rewritten]
The year is 3700. The planet name is Teteran. After a 2500 year species war the wolves finally took control of one entire hemisphere of this planet. The wolves whose population is now at 3 billion have taken control of one side of the world and look to...
Predilection: CH 18 : Fate Unshackled
You haven't rewritten fate yet, just lived through it. it is a great burden to bear, and a choice must be made... but this choice and burden are yours alone, i can only wait here and hope for a world happier than this.
Balto and Jenna : Father and mother's love
#3 of balto's family's love new, freshly rewritten chapter is here! enjoy some balto and jenna breeding ;) balto was walking peacefully into the streets of nome. the two he considered like his town. every dog in town knew who he was.
Chapter 1: A Vacation?
Past aside, it's been awhile since i wrote anything so i thought i'd have a go at rewriting my first story, mind you it has been rewritten but the story remains the same (anyone who spoils anything is going on my naughty list \>:( ) so i hope you enjoy the