Kevin Foxboy 01

Scientific breakthroughs tend to become trivial technology; witness last century's room-sized computers, invented by the usa for artillery and missile targeting, filling entire rooms, costing millions of dollars and needing a large staff just to keep them


The war of metal solders

Safety protocol enable: system error//main artillery down. flash's across my eye's before eventually disappearing to a video screen. devein appeared on my scree. "great job rivian. a few more win like this and the deshoda will give in."

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Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 15

Escaped that hell of a prison, you all posses unique skills, nathan's fight, power and accuracy, luke's navigation skills, nate's tech knowledge, impressive you can hack and fly a helicopter at fifteen, well almost fly one, hannah's way around a gun and artillery

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Chapter 20: Uncovering the Truth

Four large weapons had been installed by the marines and wagner referred to them as 'artillery' guns. they looked like the golden catapult but were grey and had a smaller round that it fired. its gun was similar to the tank's.

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My Love of War, Part 3

Our artillery thought the same and blasted away at an empty field some distance away from the hun line, i'm sure they were told of an enemy position moving into that region.

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The Raging Hounds X: Sade Campaign Part 1, Urban Stalkers

The wind rushed by his head, the sound of artillery far away coming in as dull crumps.

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Military Doctrines and Attributes, and the Road to War

That being said, overall they are masters of warfare on the tactical (a limited local area, and individual battles) and operational (meaning across a wider area such as a front, entailing multiple battles at the same time) levels, and they have field artillery

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Doesn't say much for my abilities as an artillery officer if i can't keep the artillery working." "not to mention that mareshta died," m'raava reminded her, putting five more shots through the center of her target. "exactly."

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The legend of a warrior; Chapter 27: Glacial - Request of assistance

"transmit the data to the whirlwinds and order them to take aim at the enemy artillery." the femme fatale commanded firmly. "a brimstone missile for each artillery piece, ready to hit as soon as we give the order." "sir, yes sir."

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Like Soldiers - 2022

Loud artillery fire thundered from the west; the sound of canada's royal artillery. miles stood up with adrian following too.

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The legend of a warrior; Chapter 70: Seize the Initiative

Of far greater concern were the monumental clouds of white vapor forming in the distance as the artillery forts fired their titanic artillery against them, the heavy darts tearing the sky apart visibly, but now yet audibly: the shells were so fast that their

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Ariadne and The Tales of Heroes (No-Sex Version)

The allied artillery was still firing their shots towards the enemy entrenchments. the enemy artillery was firing less and less as allied artillery was laying waste to them.

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