The Other Side Ch 3

Yes," brow furrowed and lips pursed in concentration, nurse joy mumbled to herself as her fingers flew across her keyboard.

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The One

I could hear the nurse as she talked to me, but it was hard to focus with all the pain meds in my system and the sharp pains i could feel from my spine. i reached up and grabbed the nurse's arm.

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Everything Changed: A Night That Changed Everything, Part 10

He glanced over at what the nurse was doing and then looked back at his wife, smiling at her. he was glad the nurse had given her the local anesthetic.

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He looks up at the nurse wondering if he's in trouble. nurse probwhell leans down producing a damp cloth and smiles as he cleans up the boy's muzzle. "ooh you're a cute one sammy; you're going to be very popular."

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Lost Pokemon Episodes.

nurse joy hands the vulpix to a chancy wearing a nurse apron and it quickly takes it to an emergency room."... why would a vulpix be in this part of the woods?" "i don't know... will the vulpix be alright?" hakuzo asks nurse joy.

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Love of Disaster: Part One

nurse joy said as she wear that trademark smile that all nurse joyes have. "thank yous so much nurse jo - her?!" ash yelled out. "yeah, the absol you save is a female. a girl." nurse joy pointed out. "a girl? well can i go see her?" ash asked.

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The Vet... A patients tale... One of the Vet and Nurse Buxom's patients tells his tale... to a new friend...

That hot nurse i think her name was... buxon was there." "nurse buxon showed me into this little pre-op exam room, where she prepped me for surgery." "after she made all the preparations, she gave me an awesome blow job!"


Digital Pokémon Adventure Chapter 4: The Professor and an expected and unexpected surprise.

"hello nurse joy, would you do a check up on my pokémons, please, and do you have room free?" she asked nurse joy as she walked up to the desk. nurse joy smiled at her.

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[Gift] Fattening Malpractice (DARK ENDING!!)

_ and just like the wheelchair, the nurse was true to her word. the very day following the vixen's request, she was getting new medicine that - according to what the doctors told her nurse - should help her with her... heft.

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Decades - Chapter Eight

That's usually just before the nurses do their rounds, right?"

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