Welcome To My Coven
Staring up at the star-filled sky, Flash Sentry sighed as he made his way through the city streets. Having decided to go with the "undead serial killer" look for this year's Halloween Party, his attire consisted of a brown leather jacket that was torn...
Menage A Quatre
As the moon and stars illuminated the night sky, Sunset Shimmer casually wandered the streets of the city, her attire consisting of deep blue denim jeans, a light red button-up shirt, a black biker jacket with red and yellow flame going down the...
Poem #28: Rejection
I feel your touch feeling me breaking me to pieces fragments splattered in blood drinking up my love you refuse to partake refuse to bathe no nourishment for me.
Chronicles of Creab 2
"i shall grant to you, everlasting life." he leaned into her neck as she pulled her hair out of the way and he bit her making her yelp but then she fainted as the blood drinking took it's effect.
Lucas & Lucynda: A nice.... Drink ( Update 01/10/2013 )
She hadn't any problem with the blood drinking after she had gotten used to it, tough it was always a standalone and the 'volunteer' never remembered anything. after sometime of being with her, lucas understood when lucynda needed blood.
Forging Thoth's Daughter: Notes
Anyways, i suspect sekhmet is an older god given the blood drinking being very common among pre-agrarian societies. resolution- commit to the men-nefer cult thoth a remarkably consistent god, but has all the hallmarks of a post-agrarian god.
My Busty Family Part 9
"you have a lot of nerve showing your face around here, you pedophile rapist, blood drinking bitch." said perry angerly.
A lost soul
In some part of her mind she wondered if this was truly to be the end of her, iced by some blood drinking freak in an abandoned warehouse in the barrens.
Chapter 3: Necromancy
She might be a blood drinking monster, but to want ones own flesh and blood dead... it was despicable. "at least this way we all get some relief from those two." the lion nodded, his black mane flowing with him. "yes yes.
Jaws of Passion, Chapter 7
Demeaning language, biting and vampirism (blood-drinking) is involved. cover art by albinopixel. thanks for reading! this is a preview chapter from a full-length story. if you'd like to purchase the full ebook, you can find it at my smashwords.
Tales from Anthracite City 12: Nightmares
"let me out and fight me like a warrior you blood drinking harlot!" a boisterous female voice with an unfamiliar accent boomed in japanese from behind a shut door, the jingle of metal chains being jostled as someone fought with her binds.
Nightfall - 5. Rebirth
I'd drained someone of their very last drop of blood, drinking beyond the point of the heart stopping and now i was dead. wasn't i? let me take inventory. it is dark. i cannot move. there is no sensory stimulation. yes, i'm certain i am dead.