Painting a Masterpiece

"Kezhon, generally you paint the canvas, not the easel." O'Neice glanced over at her mate with an amused expression. The large maned wolf towered over the short stand, wielding a paintbrush that appeared more like a toothpick in his massive palm. His...

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Vulpan Sexuality Research

Oral sex plays a large part in the vulpan's sexual life, mainly in the female.

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Merged Worlds three

He sighed of the warm wetness with that hint feeling of velvet rubbing on his organ, but he preferred giving the female oral first because it made the vaginal canal warmer and wetter making his experience feeling more pleasure.

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The Draconic Dream

And on this page was inscribed an ornate sketch of a man pleasuring a female orally. sovia crept over to the bed with a sinister look in her eye. the time for her to invoke the favor was now.

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Game Story: Apprentice's Fall

You've never heard of this happening when giving a woman oral...could this be... (roll wisdom, dc 16) (6+3) mmmph.

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Eudaemon III: Rebirth / Act I, Part 4

The male couldn't help but grin to himself as he toyed with the female orally, feeling the other beginning to rock up and down his hard shaft even harder than before, thrusting lightly up into her now at the same time.

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Fires of Love

She knew thomas was still fairly new to this, but that didn't always mean someone was bad at giving a girl oral. in the instant that thomas gently took over prying her vulva apart, and leaned in, zoroark's breath hitched.

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A Lesson in Dragon Love-Making

Here he was, pleasuring a woman orally, and it seemed that she had no complaints so far. and moreover, his apprehension and trepidation were completely absent from his mind ... though the wine was not.

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